Mar 05, 2003 21:36
WOO Bowling For Soup...well bad news tonight gals and guys I dont think I can make it to Count The Stars/ATM next weekend :*( sniff sniff Im really sad my friend decided to go MIA and than suddenly email me telling me she CAN'T go and since my car is the biggest PIECE OF SHIT I am TOTALLY not braving Chicago you know???Maybe MAYBE I can still go but I will totally have no one to go with and I dont want to drive all the way to Chicago and home ALONE cause that would be HELLA boring.Maybe I can kidnap Dawn and bring her back to her OLD state good ol' Indiana haha for the ride home at least.Im trying to smuggle my moms car but she like lets NO ONE drive her new car because yeah she leased it and only allowed so many miles a month and what not and Chicago is like 120 miles and so that would be at least 150 miles I add in one day :*( oh well Ill stress that at the end of this weekend I have so much shit to deal with this week Ill leave that alone.I mean its just a show but LSD WHAT!!!!!!!!I need my Dawn and Laura you know?
Any hoo my mom woke me up at the crack of dawn this morning and begged me go to church with her...I finally agreed when 20$ became the issue.(godimsohorrible) but I eventually went since I am Catholic and all...I hate stupid rules they have oh well Im kind of was seriously the first time Ive been to chuch since...hmm maybe 3 years?oh well I wore my Used hoodie and StarStruck tshirt and sleeped most of it.
What else is new??I worked all night tonight (godiamsosickofworkicanpuke) I think thats about IT but just wanted to update a wee bit and Ill see some of you soon (mayvbe :*( ) and Ill talk to the rest