Nov 27, 2003 22:49
HAPPY TURKEY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I went to my Aunt Nancys house and ate green beans.This whole not eating meat thing for the holidays blows because first off I dont like to eat meat and I hate the taste and my whole family is like Carnivores to the extreme and everything is MEAT,MEAT and MORE MEAT.So I ate green beans and sweetpotatoes LMAO Im full *being sarcastic*
Not much else is going on Rachel and I went and saw Elf and all I did was cough due to the fact I am sick.
Being sick sucks...especially if Im sick for my birthday *less than a week UH HUM* I will be miserable and will not leave my house.I have found a new fascination for HOT tea.Its so yummy esepcially apple cinnamon.Yum...
Well I am done rambling I am getting up to go shopping tomorrow at 5am (shootmeplease) cause the sales but I will return to my bed and sleep all day probably.
Much love you turkey eaters ;)
P.S if you live in Indiana/Michigan/Wisconsin and Illinois and are not at the House Of Blues in Chicago on December 14th I will kill you and your momma!!!!
ATM/Split Habit together...I could die happily after its my ULTIMATE dream show