Jul 27, 2009 05:06
Okay, so this is like 2 week old news, but I really was planning on posting it sooner. I swear lol.
Being the nerd I am (and I'm sure that most of you reading this are too) I went and saw Half-Blood Prince at the midnight premier. It was crazy, you know? At just the theater I went to (which admittedly, I think is the biggest/best in town) between 11:59 and 12:30 there were THIRTEEN theaters playing the movie. That's quite a few thousand nerds who all saw that movie at once in just that one building. I wonder how many people actually went and saw the movie that night. Jeezy.
I was going to make a Gryffindor scarf since I finally learned how to crochet last year (after countless attempts at learning from multiple people over the years lol) and I'm actually pretty good at it now. I didn't think of it till too late though (like the night before hah), and even as good as I am at it now, well I still can't make a f-ing scarf in 5 hours - I got two stripes done before I gave up lol. But I did wear my awesome Gryffindor shirt that I bought a couple years ago. It was while I was wearing this shirt out in public - not at the theater around all the crazy costumes and other decked out fans - that I made a discovery about myself. So I'm kind of a nerd, and as much as I almost hate to admit it to the world, I love Twilight (mostly hah) and have been spending a ridiculous amount of time in that fandom over the last few months. The only 2 fandoms I've ever REALLY gotten into are Twilight and Harry Potter. So that night it occurred to me that while I was completely fine sporting my Harry Potter shirt for the world to see, well, I wouldn't be caught dead in a Twilight shirt. Even in the private of my own home. I think tha's pretty amusing.
But anyway, back on target. The movie experience.
Overall I thought the movie was really good. In all honesty I enjoyed it much better than I remember enjoying any of the previous five. But I'm not entirely sure of the reason for this. I dunno if it's simply because the movie was actually better - or, what I think is more likely, since it's been 2 years since I've read the book I'm not as sharp on the details so I wasn't nitpicking the whole thing. I just sat back and let myself enjoy a good old Harry Potter experience for the first time in years. I really do miss Harry Potter. A lot. I actually just managed to finally finish reading Sorcerer's Stone last weekend (after being halfway through it for 6 months), and hopefully I'll be able to finish rereading the series this year. I'd really like to get back into fandom. *sigh*
There were two notable things that happened with the crowd that night that amused me and I want to share with you, dear interwebs. (And actually the entire reasong I'm posting this now long winded entry). Both of these happened before the movie started.
1) When they were doing that whole pre-preview random junk on the screen, someone randomly yells "EXPECTO PATRONUM!" a la Harry at the end of PoA. The entire theater laughed and burst into applause. It was hilarious.
2)After the previews, in that moment of silence before the beginning credits started some girl yells "When I say Harry, you say Potter!" Only to be immediately cut off while yelling her first "Harry!" by someone else yelling "SHUT UP!" ... which the entire theater applauded. THAT was gold. I'm sure that first girl was angry/mortified lol. I got a cramp from laughing.
Anyway. That's my two cents for the moment. Now I should really go study for the statistics test that I have in 4 hours *sighs again* Summer school is both a blessing and a curse I tell you.