Mar 14, 2006 15:26
It always fills me with joy when my teachers can't do basic math skills like adding up grades. It's just swell.
Twenty six days of school left.
Mark and I started the greatest game/trend in the entire world. It's called, "Where Will They Be In 20 Years?" The rules are simple: go through every person in your class and say what they will be doing in 20 years. It provides hours of entertainment and I guarantee that you will come across a few, if not more, gems. Here are some of the results for you MCCers, aka the Ass Bees.
Mark: Mark will be going on a spiritual roadtrip the day after graduation. With only his guitar and a van, he will roam the country side for 20 years, gathering up a band of followers. He will return to FL for the 20 year reunion
Mary: Mary is going to be an event planner of some sort. Her superior powers of organization and the ability to turn into the NHS bitch will lend themselves perfectly to her future career.
Me: *According to Mary* I will apparently be the owner of a fashion company and a glasses model
Danielle M: Danielle's cheery disposition and large car will lead her to be the ultimate soccer mom
Markus M: Markus will become a cosmopolitan. He will be one of those individuals who are sickeningly wealthy but no one really knows how.
Will Swal: Fireman, just because.
...more to come...
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Christina: "My parents just won't buy me things anymore. It's so frustrating. Like, usually they will pay for my clothes and stuff, but, like, they haven't boughten me anything since like, Christmas.
Brittany: That was about 3 months ago.
Christina: I know!