Apr 18, 2004 22:31
I had a really nice weekend... and...
I don't feel so crappy anymore!
For some reason I just started feeling better on saturday...i hope it lasts.
now for the week of hell
monday: geology, sociology, lunch with FIDER(the people who accredit interior design programs...yeah, just a little nervous), geo lab quiz, job?
tuesday: work around the damn FIDER people, try to finish my project...class, class, class, and more class..oh, and stupid awards thing...my dad is coming...oh, and pay deposit for house
wednesday: geology test, sociology, finish all the crap for my project
thursday: class, project presentation, class class class
friday: paper due, start on japanese furniture history paper, and new project
sorry, i'm sure anyone reading this does not want to know all the shit i have to do this week...but it will help me remember...and if you are in close proximity...you may understand my bitchy attitude.
i went with brett to get dressy clothes for his interview on friday (activision in santa monica) He's gonna look damn sexy. He got this nice donna karen black suit with 3 buttons, and some really really nice shoes, a nice belt, 3 nice shirts (red, gray, and white), 2 ties, and some cuff links (yeah, brett bought cuff links...i'm surprised too). I told him when i come to new orleans next time we are dressing up and going out so i can see him in his outfit.
okay...now for funny story...
brett and i went to friday's for lunch on saturday, and i had this fairly large strawberry lemonade rum drink. As we were leaving (i'm in that tipsy/drunk state of mind)I felt something splatter on my thumbnail. I thought a bug had hit it and splattered...and then brett said "That looks like bird poo" and...it was. Some bird pooped on my FINGERNAIL! it was really odd...just my fingernail. So then i wiped it in the grass...then on brett's shirt (hehe). but then....i tricked him into kissing my fingernail later...mwuahhahahahaha. well, i didn't really, i thought he would remember that the bird pooped on it, but he didn't.
it really was a funny story...so if you don't think it's funny...you just suck.
so now i'm back in hattiesburg....it will be nice when the week is over.