(no subject)

May 13, 2005 20:41

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me". (or something like that)
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

this is from VICKI SMITH

1. what have you been up to?
-school and life... wait what life? next week is finals week...HALLELUJAH! waterworld started again. we open next week and i have been working since april. donald and i are good. year and two months yesterday.

2. where's waldo?
-oh, i saw him in one of those little ecosystems in a glass ball that they sell at like shopping stores. he was beatin his hands against the wall while these little fishes were gnawing at his hat. his air bubbles had messages in them saying "those fish keep eying me..."

who would of thunk that fish like to eat hats?

3. at what age did you learn to tie your shoes?
-actually i never knew how to. dont u remember me asking joey to tie my shoes for me in class when they would become undone.

i cant even remember.i know i knew how to tie them in th 1st grade but i dont remeber if i did in kindergarten.... hmmmm. i klnow i know how to now!

4. how many times do you brush your teeth a day?
-NEVER. i wonder how donald even kisses me. just kidding. i brush them 2 times bc i am usually at school and work during the day.

though i could bring my toothbrush and do it in the bathroom at work and school...dont know...

5. would you shake hands with the president?
-HELL NO. i completely hate bush will all of my heart. i know it is mean to actually hate someone but i really really think he is despicable. he is everything i am against

besides he reminds me of a monkey... especially in that rage against the machine video!
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