xx00-2;; Application Post

Dec 27, 2014 00:45

In-Character Information
Name : Smeargle "Smee" Doburu
Game/Series: Pokemon: Heart Gold/Soul Siver
Canon Point: Canon for an OC? Preposterous. Oh I post-game or something. :I
Age & Grade Level: 16, Junior

Personality: Smee is a bundle of laughs in a medium sized puppy body. The species itself is a bunch of picasso-esque dogs that travel around and graffitti-styled tag whatever they can to claim it their own. They're extremely loyal, noisy, and even messy! They tend to stay in packs and have a special "of age" initiation into the pack. (For those who want to be a part of the pack, that is. Those who don't get booted to become wanderers.)

Smeargle, herself, is one of the more... colorful individuals of the pack. After growing out of her shy-shell, she's turned into quite the chatter-box. She won't be afraid to speak her mind during a conversation, and won't realize what she said until it's actually... out of her mouth. This has been a bit of a theme for her to get into trouble as of recently, with her new snarky and eager attitudes. However, Smee is a sweet pup who knows when to play and when to be respectful to someone. She knows that if they are a worthy title to respect, that she'll be serious when it's needed, but still retain that playful spirit that she shows quite often.

Her Arceus-given talent is one that she doesn't take lightly. Smee is constantly drawing and doodling on everything. Everything. She accumulated about four sketchbooks in the span of two months at a time, and continued to spill out the art even when the entire sketchbooks were filled up. She adores to draw and express herself how she can. In fact, she's a very expressive pup! Her emotions are easy to judge, even if she wouldn't want to tell why she's sad or anything like that. She'd rather keep that to herself and not hassle anyone with her problems, unless she couldn't keep it in and had to tell someone. When she becomes flustered (Which can happen on a pin-drop if the situation is perfect for it), embarrassed, getting caught in the middle of zoning out, or... just anything in that quadrant she will start stuttering like crazy and blushing. It's a habit that she's gained as a girl, and she hasn't been able to stop it at all. It's controlled, but... we all know how controlled that can be.

Anyone that is a friend of her's and older, or just plain stronger than her, she's worked up a bit of an admiration for them. It's tied within her "fairy-tale's do come true" mindset, she might be older, but old habits die hard. Especially now, being her age is of that status to want to be loved and accepted by everyone. That, and her ways of thinking through love. Plus, she still harbors amazing feelings towards all boys. oohoo~ Smee must have every boooyyy~~ ugu~*~* Always trying to keep the positive outlook on life, she knows that if she starts thinking back into her negative downfall nothing good will come. Smee knows that nothing good ever comes when you think negatively, it is a fact of life that she's well endowed in.

Her natural sense of adventure has been blossoming since she had left the school the second time. It was bottled up and slowly growing when she had been attending school, and it didn't seem to come out until she left. While gone, she's gotten to know what surrounds the Ruins of Alph and even a bit further than that. Seeing new sights, smells and sounds excites and fascinates her, and Smee can even start to track down some of the more familiar smells that she knows. It helps her when specifically looking for a certain Apricorn or berry that she really wants to eat or find for a family member.

To be honest, being at the Smash Academy showed her that she can grow up. Which, she has... Especially while she was gone. She wanted to return because she missed her friends, and since she was ready in her father's eyes to return and strong enough to return, she wanted to prove her strength to everyone.

Backstory: An unlikely pair of pokemon brought together by fate. There once was a trainer from Johto, one who had begun his journey with a smile on his face, ended up losing his most powerful pokemon from his own abuse towards it. It was fate that tore the Typlosion's heart and trust from his own body and threw it to the ground, stomping it into the dirt. However, it was also fate that brought together this Typhlosion to his new home, where he would be initiated into the pack, and acted as their guardians. The Typhlosion and a Pink-tailed Smeargle hit it off together and had their own family. One Smeargle, two Smeargle, and... Smee.

Smee was born the youngest of three Smeargle in the habitat of the Ruins of Alph. She had an extremely normal start to her life, being spoiled by her parents due to being the baby of the three and given affected from her brothers. Everything was normal, right?

Yeah, not really. Due to the fact that some of the Smeargle never really accepted the Typhlosion into their pack, they taught their children to shun the family. Smee didn't actually mind their words at first. She didn't think that it meant anything at all, well... until the event happened. Then their shunning and taunting picked up by tenfold. Smee was only a young pup around the tender age of six. Her family went out on a little picnic near Route 38, and it was a pretty peaceful time. Smee was a pretty well-rounded explorer type, and she ended up wandering off (her brothers were close behind, though. Not enough for her to be freaked out and worried, but in case they needed to turn her around or something they'd be ready.) deeper into the woods. To her misfortune, she came across a large pile of berries. It was a pretty nifty pile of treasure, they all were extremely full and ready to be eaten. She figured that with a bountiful harvest as this, that the owners wouldn't mind if she took a few of them back to her family.

Oh she was so tempted to even sneak a bite of one before actually taking the berries she saw. However, to her misfortune, the owner of the treasure was right within her vicinity. One of the neighboring Houndours, with a sour temper to match, took great offense to the little pup trying to take from his spoils. He lunged out at her, claws ready to slash out and attack the poor pup. Smee's brother was still right within their sights, and saw the attacker heading right for his little sister. He jumped to try to stop the angered Houndour from attacking her, but... He miscalculated his ability, and wasn't able to get the houndour out of the way completely. She didn't get a full strike, but Smee was still pretty injured. She was taken back to her family almost immediately, in which they called off the picnic and rushed her to get medicinal help. They returned shortly to the Ruins, with the girl healed up just fine.

There was a twist, though. Something... something happened to her during her healing process. The three vertical scars (which were directly located in the place where the pawprint is placed to be initiated, mind you!) did something to the pup that made her life change. Not only did it somehow morph her ink color over the context of a few days from the familiar green color that the entire group was familiar with into a solid jet black, but she felt herself being singled out of the group. The other Smeargle purposely ignored her, and they freaked out and made her leave or just continued to ignore her when she tried to talk to her. In fact, they ended up initiating her into the pack early so they could get it over with and not be forced to do it at a later time. (Which, they used her ink to place a pawprint on her back, instead of another Smeargle's.) It didn't really get to her completely until she was fourteen. Her parents knew that she was almost to the point of breaking, and they knew they needed her to leave, at least... for a while, anyways. Just until they could get the group of Smeargles to stop being so horribly rude to their depressed daughter.

So Mother Smeargle and Father Typhlosion searched around until they found an advertisement for the fabled Smash Academy. They talked about it for a while, then decided to ship her off! ... Of course, Smee wasn't exactly the happiest of the bunch. She didn't like sudden change, and was close to running away. She... did go through with it, though. She was at the Academy, and she was acting like the corner child for the longest time. Reclused to not trying anything at all, just sit in the back and attend her classes like a good dog. She worked up the courage to actually try to talk to people, and she found out that... oh goodness! People are actually nice and actually accepted her for who she was, and not because of her stupid scars and her odd ink discoloring.

Within her first year of school she slowly broke out of the shell that she was used to. Her experiences ranged from meeting new friends, learning so much, making a few enemies..., heck! She even expressed herself more and showed what her talents could hold, and expanded on them! She even helped a teacher redecorate their office by painting it with her endless supply of ink!

With her new sleu of friends, she found out that they came and they went. Her teachers impacted her for the better, or not... some of them even challenged her to grow up more. Her freshman year flew by in a snap, and she was entering her Sophomore year. It was pretty exciting for her to be there and then turn fifteen of all things! Whoa! How exciting. ... Yeah, until her eldest brother came along and picked her up. She was pretty angered about that, she was so happy to be starting her school year, and then it was taken away! Crud.

It turned out that she was needed for important business, and she ended up returning back at school before a month was over. So what happens when she gets back? Yeah she got turned into a kid for a week. That was totally fun! Not really If that wasn't enough, she also suffered through her childhood all over again and had a huge nightmare. Oh... yeah... She didn't like that at all. Oh well, that arc came and went and things returned to normal after a while. Everything was nice, more friends came and others left, but... Around October, she just felt the need to get away! So she ended up packing her things and leaving without saying a word.

She returned to the Ruins of Alph and saw that she was actually welcomed but the other Smeargles. How freaking exciting for her! Smee couldn't believe that she was actually being welcomed instead of shunned, and her father ended up helping her out a bunch while she was gone from the Smash Academy. He raised her up into a fighter, and helped her improve her moves incredibly. Her other family? They supported her all along the way. A year flew by and she was becoming extremely antsy once again of her boring lifestyle. Nothing was really happening, and she wanted to return to the Smash Academy so bad. She missed all of her friends and missed the school-life itself. She begged her parents to let her return to the school, absolutely begging them.

Her father accepted her going back, at a price. He tested her to see if she was completely ready to return. He wasn't going to send her back if she was going to get hurt easily. They fought, and by a miracle, her father accepted defeat when was brought to the ground. Smee was extremely pleased and excited with the fact that she was returning! She couldn't believe that she had actually beaten her father just enough that he acknowledged her strength. Smee packed her bags yet again and set out towards the train station in Goldenrod. Of course, since she hadn't been a human for the longest time, she had to get used to it and... since she was in the vicinity of the haircut brothers that she had heard so much about, she decided to take a stop and get a new look. Smee was sixteen! She needed to outgrow that little girl look that she had! And... She did! She updated her small sized wardrobe and then set off for the train station. She was totally ready to go back. She just hoped the Smash Academy was ready for her!

Anything Else?: - Moveset Includes: Attract, Brick Break, Double Team, Flamethrower
- Naive Nature // Enjoys eating everything
- Kiprensky's out there somewhere. I might have him return as her NPC but I'm not sure 9__9;
- Attract. It's going to have one hell of a ride with her. 9u9(\
- She'll totally not be able to keep her nose out of anything so she might become a problem. I'll set up a permissions post about her getting into everyone's junk.
- Double team oh man she's a ninja now
- Yep

In-Character 1st person writing sample (journal): [With the help of a certain technician, a video feed becomes available for all to see. After seeing that it's actually working and up, the beagle-esque girl speaks!]

Whoooaaaman I can't believe I'm back again! You guys can't believe what I had to go through to get back here! It was pretty fun, but... still one heck of a challenge. Yikes. So what's been going on with the school as of this late? I've pretty much been out of the loop for the longest time, and I'm feeling like the total new kid again. Which, of course... bites, but we all have to go through with it.

So uh, what's this I was hearing on the way up to the school, about there being some huge racial thing going on? Seriously what's up with that? I guess I came back at one heck of a time. Seems to happen a lot, since... the last time I was back, I ended up getting turned into a little kid and relived a bad dream again. [Visibly shudders.] Enough about that, though...

[She pauses, stares at the screen for a good... two minutes, then realizes she totally forgot something!]

Oh! Geeze, I forgot the most important thing. Hey y'all, I'm Smeargle Doburu, but you guys can totally just call me Smee! I'm an artist pokemon from the Ruins of Alph. Yep!

In-Character 3rd person writing post:

"What an awesome day for art." Smeargle muttered to herself, supplies under her arm as she walked over to her canvas she sat out in the middle of the clearing, facing the mountains. "Man... I need to paint something serious. I really do."

Sighing to herself, Smee sat down on the ground, crossing her legs Indian-style, looking at the scenery that fell to her sight. Slightly adjusting her canvas, she began to sketch out everything. Sketching was going according to plan, then she suddenly stopped, and erased a good chunk of what she had drawn. Frustration... Sigh. Again, she went to work at it, trying to hurry before the light started changing. She was happy for the cloud coverage, it gave a solid light instead of the spotty coverage that was usually up, or just the sunlight. Everything was sooo bright in the winter. It was very strange to her. She still didn't figure out why.

After she was finally happy with her sketch she began to plot out the colors of the paints, doop doop. When that was done, she took out her music device, stuck the earbuds into her ears, pressed play and then... Began painting! Obviously, she was getting into the music and the painting, she was really tuning everything out. Before too long, she actually paid attention to what she was doing and frowned. The light that she needed was already starting to fade and she was only done with like HALF of the picture.

"Fuh..." She growled, pouting greatly. "This isn't good..."
Shaking her head. she packed up her supplies and her canvas, looking around as she drew an "X" with her paint. She needed to remember where she was exactly. The pokemon really hoped that someone didn't come along and think that this was a spot for treasure or something, even if that'd be really really silly. Either way, she headed in to go wash up and grab a bite to eat, she was pretty hungry, man.

ooc, application

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