Long Over Due Update

Feb 03, 2007 19:51

Well, a lot has happened since June 16th,2006. I've had so much happen that it would take me entirely too long to fill you about it all. Here's some recap though:

* Joined Aglow International Ministry
--> Started out as Vice President of Public Relations on the original Champaign Urbana Local Lighthouse...In January, our team multiplied to 3 Lighthouses. I am now the Vice President of Ministry on one of those teams at the local level. I have also been asked to join the Area Team for Central Illinois, and I am the Vice President of Administration with a side of Financial responsibilities. I will have to post another post completely on the move of God through this ministry. If you want to know more about Aglow International Ministries check out their website at: www.aglow.org. If you live in the Champaign Urbana area, and you would like to attend one of our meetings, leave a comment and I'll tell you when and where. We are doing a discussion mini-series on the book Captivating by John and Staci Elderidge.

* Got Baptized!
--> In September, I think (those of you who were there, may be able to give me a more accurate timeline). It seems so long ago. This was one of the greatest moments of 2006 for me. I was baptized at the Vineyard Church. It was great, I was baptized my pastor Daniel Goulet, and my friend and president of the Champaign-Urbana Aglow, Rev. Cheryl Weaver.
When God sent me here to Urbana-Champaign, I thought He was crazy. I had just gotten my life together or so I thought. I had a good support network of friends and family, a great paying job. I had gotten saved and filled with the Holy Spirit, and joined a great church which was ironically called "New Life". I had turned away from marijuana, physical and sexual self-torture, and started for the first time in my life to be honest about my pain, anger, and self-hatred, and stopped lying and trying to cover it up. I thought that I had made it to where I was supposed to be. And then God sent me to the Majestic Wilderness. I left my family, my friends, the highest paying job I've ever had and my church to move to into an overpriced under 1,000 square foot apartment back to a marriage I had abandoned for 3 years, no job, no friends, no family, and no church. I felt so alone, so disconnected, I was depressed and there were brief moments where I had entertained demons telling me I should go back to my self torturing behavior and then I remembered, "I am a new creature in Christ"! A lightbulb went on and I realized I had a choice. I could go backwards or I could go forward. I can walk through life always looking in the rearview mirror. I can believe all the lies that the devil tried to tell me that I am or I can stand on the authority of who Christ says I am. Once I realized this and I submitted to the authority, and let the King of all Kings rule and reign over my life, amazing things began to happen. We were led by a bottle of water that says "God loves you" to the Vineyard, where we've gotten connected. God is restoring my marriage, I have a great job, and I have more friends and new additions to my spiritual family than I know what to do with and I have been set on fire for the Lord with Aglow International Ministries. I just want to thank each and every person who has spoke life into my spirit, to all the people who have loved me, discipled me, and led me to this point each one of you has chased away the darkness and helped me see the way, the truth, and the light. God Bless you All!

* We have officially joined the Vineyard!

* And last but not least, I'M PREGNANT!
--> I found on January 14th. I took the test not thinking that it would actually come back positive. Micah and I are both really excited. The first day, all I could say is Holy Cow! It's kind of hard for me to get my mind around the whole thing for the last couple of weeks. It's like, what do you do when God gives you everything you've ever wanted? If he trusts me with a child? Then He trusts me with everything else that he's ever promised me. He's faithful to his word, he HAS given me the desires of my heart. And I know that when the time is right, according to His will, I will be able to use my talents and gifts to bring in money for me and my family. I know that He will support me, and that the non-profit ministry he has placed with in my heart will come to pass.
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