Permissions Meme [WIP] [Baedal]

Jun 26, 2011 19:38

part i.
Character name: Richard Upton Pickman
Fandom: Lovecraft/Cthulhu Mythos
Species: Ghoul
Character powers:

part ii.
1.) Is it acceptable for your character to be mind-controlled or persuaded? How susceptible are they to mind control, hypnotism, or suggestion? Fine with me! He's surprisingly tricky to control, just because his brain is so weird, and his priorities are seriously skewed. For the most part, you'd have better luck just asking him to do something.
2.) Is it acceptable for your character to have their mind read? Does this include traumatic memories? What is their mind like (disturbing, orderly, joyful, surprisingly empty, etc.)? If the character has psychic walls or preventative measures against psychic interference, please explain. It's just fine. His mind is not a pleasant place -- it's kind of covered in psychic crazy-residue, weird mental imagery, and memories of a lot of unpleasantness, but if your char wants to go in, more power to them.
3.) Are thoughts mentioned in narration acceptable for a telepath to pick up? Sure thing! God help you.
4.) What about emotions, in the case of an empath? What sort of general emotional reading would such a character receive from yours?
5.) Are there any aspects of your character's mind, emotions, or memories you would like to be picked up, mentioned, or used in character? Conversely, is there anything that should not be noticed, or at least never mentioned?

part iii.
1.) Physically speaking, what stands out about your character? Imposing size? Physical scarring? Tattoos? He smells extremely unpleasant, rather like rotten meat and wet cigarettes. His eyes are more yellow than brown. His teeth are yellow-brown and falling out, with a few of the empty spaces having new teeth growing in that look more like a hyena's than a human being's. He has a limping gait, like he has some considerable foot pain. His fingernails are thick and pointed, very claw-like. He speaks and moves in a very twitchy way, and laughs like a squirrel having a manic attack.
2.) Is your character immune to any of the following: poisons, chemical agents, telekinetic influence, radiation, or types of illnesses? He is extremely drug and poison resistant, especially via oral ingestion. His preferred diet is rotting and embalmed meat, after all.
3.) Is your character physiologically different from a human in any way? This can include their blood, skin, hair, et cetera being made up of something unusual or simply differing in construction and durability. He is slowly transforming from a human being into a ghoul, a Lovecraftian race of graveyard scavengers. It's almost more a degraded subspecies of human than a separate species, so a lot of what will hurt a human will still hurt him. However, it'll take more of it.
4.) Are you amenable to having your character be harmed in any way? How far are you comfortable with injury to you character going? Does this include being fed on by vampires, willingly or unwillingly? I'm good with it! How badly injured he is depends on the situation, and what I do or don't have planned for the near future. Discussion on a case-by-case basis is ideal.
5.) Is it acceptable for other characters with abilities of shapeshifting or disguise to imitate your character? Does this include ability mimicry? Man, if they want to, they can feel free. I would prefer that if they do, the biological quirks and cravings of the ghoul-body remain to haunt them. Terrible smell, rotting bits, craving for rotten flesh, etc.

part iv.
1.) Can your character's presence or aura be noticed by other characters, and how would it look/feel to them? How would it manifest to a character with no supernatural abilities, if at all? Yep. He reads as more of a corrupted humanoid or some weird kind of werecreature, more than anything. Kind of scummy and gross.
2.) Can your character be affected by magic spells and curses? If they're powerful enough! He has some wards and charms he keeps on him, but they're against pretty basic stuff. (Evil eye, blurring minor scrying...) If you want to put bad juju on him, contact me, and we can work it out.
3.) Can your character be affected by sin and corruption, and be tempted toward expressing their darker urges (of whatever flavor)? He's pretty much all the way there, already. But if you can figure out how to push him further, go for it.
4. What sort of sins is the character prone toward, and how might they best be tempted, if you are interested in such an event? Gluttony, pride. Give him the chance to have a big gallery showing or otherwise have his work seen in a big way.
5.) Are you amenable to the character receiving prophetic visions, including as part of a plot? Yep! It might be tricky to get him to share them, though. He's an ass like that.

part v.
1.) Is canon-puncturing or fourth-walling acceptable? We encourage people to tread extremely lightly with allowing their character to learn they are fictional. I'm fine with it. He probably won't believe anyone who says so, honestly. "Whatever you say, chief!"
2. Is threadjacking allowed? Under what circumstances? Yep! Any public network posting. Action posts, please check first. Most of the time, I'll be all for it, but there might have been prior plans.
3. Is it acceptable for canonmates that are updated further than yours to inform your character of events yours has not yet experienced? Yep! Not much further for him to go in his own personal storyline, really...
4. Are there triggering or upsetting topics you would like other characters to avoid mentioning to yours for the sake of continued comfort (racist words, homophobia, self-injury, etc.)? None that come to mind. I'm pretty durable.
5. Are there any additions you would like us to make to this survey? Possibly, something about what triggers your character may upset? Because I know that mine is... a bit offensive.