May 23, 2008 12:00
Yay for skipping the last day of high school!
I'm too excited!
Here's an update on my weekend/week. :]
Saturday night, Chris came and picked up me and Angelica at my grandma's house around 10 something.
We left and went to his house since I was gonna spend the night with him.
I can't remember what we did until like 11 or 12 something.
But yeah, around that time, we took Angelica back to my grandma's.
We went inside with her since we saw a creepy looking old man walking down the sidewalk near my grandma's house.
So yeah, then we came back outside to his car and left to go back to his house.
When we got to his house, I realized that I forgot to pick up my dress for church at Mike's house, since Brenda had it there.
So we went down there and got it right quick, then came back home.
I can't remember for the life of me anything else we did!
We may have cuddled or something before bed, but I'm not sure.
We went to sleep not too long after we got home, I do believe.
Sunday morning, I went and woke up Chris in the office around 6.
We came back to his room and fell asleep until about 8 something.
I got up and got ready for church.
Then I went and got Chris up and he got ready.
I think I got on the computer until he got finished.
Then we left for church.
He dropped me off near the office since Graduation Recognition was on Sunday.
I went inside and got my cap and gown on and took pictures with all the other graduates.
Then we lined up once it was time for us to march in and we all sat in pews together.
I didn't get to sit with my baby. :/
I bet he was lonely. :[
But yeah, the service was really nice since it was pretty much geared towards us and not making wrong choices and keeping God in everything we do after we graduate.
After the service, I met up with Chris and we went to my grandma's house to eat lunch.
We had chicken from KFC, macaroni and cheese, green beans and potatoes, biscuits, and Mexican rice.
They couldn't get regular rice, so they got Mexican. :]
After we all ate, Brenda and Mike started getting ready to test their chocolate fountain for their wedding, which was the main purpose for going to my grandma's house on Sunday. :]
While we waited, me and Chris played Brawl for a little bit.
Then once it was finally ready, we went and ate some strawberries, marshmallows, and bananas with the white chocolate from the fountain.
Then not too long after that, me and Chris left and went to his house.
I think we just changed clothes and then we cuddled.
After that, I think we took a nap and woke up around 5 something.
I'm not too sure what we did after that.
I think that's when we got up and ate stuff.
I ate some popcorn and finished off my cookie dough ice cream by putting Cookie Dough Bites in it.
After we ate, I think we just got on the computer and chilled until it was time to leave to go pick up Angelica around 7:20.
We left and picked her up, then Chris took us both home. :/
Monday, I met Chris over at Books-A-Million after school.
We walked to Sport's Authority since I had to pee and Books-A-Million's bathroom is gross.
So after that, we left and went in his car to the vet's office to drop off newspapers for them.
After that, we came back to Books-A-Million and I went inside to work on my exam review for Physics since it was a beastly 6 pages long!
After I got done working on some of it, we decided to walk over to Taco Bell for lunch.
So we went and ate there and it was good. :]
Then after that, we walked back down to the parking lot and chilled in my car listening to music.
We did that until it was time for me to go home.
Then Chris told me bye and we went our separate ways. :/
Wednesday, I drove up to Chris's house after school.
He was messing around on his Wii Fit that he got that day.
I got on it and did a body test.
I'm like 5 pounds overweight. :/
Grant came over while we were doing that and was eating Taco Bell.
After he got done, he got on and did his body test.
After that, we just chilled in the living room and Grant was telling us stories.
Then we went to the office and got on the computer to look at stupid stuff.
After that, we went to Chris's room so Grant could tell us the story of how he got drunk and proposed to a girl with a hard shell taco from Taco Bell.
It was too funny.
He told us some other funny stories too.
He's hilariousss.
We just chilled in Chris's room the entire time talking and eating Gobstoppers.
Then I had to leave at 3:15, so Grant left and Chris walked me out to my car and told me bye. :/
Yesterday, I went to Chris's house after school.
We left to go get food from Zaxby's.
We went inside and got food for me, him, and his mom.
Then we came home and ate with his mom.
After we ate, me and Chris went and changed our clothes so we could get on Wii Fit.
We had both gained body mass since yesterday, but that was probably from Zaxby's.
So yeah, after we played a bunch of stuff on there, we went to his room and cuddled.
I think that's all we did until it was time for me to go home.
I got my clothes back on and left around 3:30. :/
Today, Chris picked me up before school.
I skipped school today because I have enough absences to, and it's the last day of school and none of our teachers were gonna do anything today.
So I said bump that and Chris picked me up. :]
We left my school and went to his house.
When we got to his house, we came in his room and cuddled for a bit.
Then Chris said he was hungry, so we went to the kitchen and made Poptarts.
After we ate, we went and brushed our teeth.
Then we came into the office and got on the computer and read weird stories of how people almost died.
Then after that, we went into his room and cuddled.
We ended up falling asleep.
His mom woke us up around 11:30 since they had to leave to go to work.
So Chris got up and washed his hair, then he got ready and the two of them left.
I'm still here since they'll be back in about another hour I believe.
I can't wait for him to come back!
I miss him already!
Edit: When Chris got home we just ate some Arby's and watched World's Most Amazing Videos while we waited for his mom to come home from shopping.
Then we left around 3:15 to take his mom to Old Time Pottery and then we left and went to La Fogata.
Chris dropped me off there and told me bye.
I can't believe I'm done with high school!
I only have to step in that school one more time next Friday for graduation practice, then no more Mauldin High ever!