.Do you want to answer these?Yes.
3.Name? Aaron
4.Name spelled backwards? Noraa.
5.What is your quest? I'll have to think of one.
6.Nickname? Jesus.
7.Age? 24
8.Hometown? RF.
9.What were you born in? A room
10.Where do you live now? RF
11.What state? WI
12.Ever going to move? Hopefully soon
13.Would you rather live somewhere else? Yes.
14.Birthdate? 10/4/82
15.When do you blow out your candles? Just before bed
16.Day you were born? The 25th anniversery of the start of the space age (Sputnik)
17.Zodiac sign? Libra
18.Do you know what that is? Liberte? Wee?
19.Sex? Not for a while, lol
20.Height? 6'
21.Weight? 165
22.Eye color? brown.
23.Hair color? brown.
24.Any siblings? Yes
25.Names and ages? X, 22.
26.Do you get along with them? Yes. .
27.Any pets? One cat
28.Names? Sophie
29.Parents? Parental units
30.Names? Nick and Pam.
31.Do you get along with them? Sometimes
32.Married or divorced? Divorced.
33.How long? 9 months
34.Website? Siteweb
35.Email? aprufrock@eliot.org36.AOL s/n? AIM? AIM
37.Yahoo? It's too early for that
38.ICQ? Not since hs
39.MSN? S'NM
40.How many people are on your buddy list? 3
41.Phone number? 555-HELP
42.Personality? Usually absent
43. Do you want to answer these? alright
44.What school do you go to? The University of Knowledge.
45.What year are you? In the 6th Form
46.What are you? Hard boiled
47.Hardest class? Math!
48.Easiest class? English.
49.Most fun class? Writing and history
50.What day did school start? When human's learned to question
51.Do you have classes with friends? This is getting complicated
52.Do you have friends? Yes.
53.Do you go to school events? If I were still in school, I would say, generally no
54.What was the last event you went to? I think it was a rally I organized (though not sponsered by teh school)
55.Do you have school spirit? Not really
56.Do you go to dances? I go to dances, but I haven't been to a school dance since HS
57.Stag or with someone? Depends on what my relationship circumstances are
58. Do you want to answer these? Deja vu
59.Have a significant other? No.
60.What is their name? See previous question
61.How old are they? No comprende
62.How long have you been going out? I can't take it anymore!
63.Have you been faithful? Since I'm not going out with anyone, I'll answer no
64.Do you have a crush? Yes
65.Who? Virginia Woolf
66.Do they know you like them? No
67.You ever going to tell them? That might be kind of creepy
68.Do you have an hernia? Wow, where did come from. I'm still working on one.
69.Who? I don't even know how to answer this
In the Past 24 Hours Have You?
70. Do you wonder why I'm asking these questions? Yes. Tell me!
71.Had a serious talk? Every talk is serious,
72. Hugged someone? Not for a while.
73.Fought with a friend? No
74.Cried? No
75.Laughed? I always laugh
76.Made someone laugh? Yes.
77.Bought something? I'm on the austerity plan.
78.Cut your hair? I need too, it's getting long
79.Felt stupid? Always
80.Talked to someone you love? I love everyone (except for this kid who gave me a black eye in middle school)
81.Missed someone? Yes
Have-you-ever ?
82. You want me to tell you? Hell. Why not.
83.Smoked? Yes.
84.Stolen something? Yes.
85.Done drugs? I will have to plead the fifth, your honor
86.Drank? Yes.
87.Gotten drunk? Yes.
88.Eaten an entire box of Oreos? Clever ;-)
89.Been dumped? Yes.
90.Had someone be unfaithful to you? Yes.
91.Hiked up a mountain? Mt. Shasta, baby!.
92.Stayed home on Saturday night, just because? Usually
93.Been in love? Yes
94.Seen the White House? Yes. It's a shame they block it off now
95.Seen the Eiffel Tower? Nope. I want to though
96.Try smoking? Yes.
97.Played monopoly? Who hasn't?!
98.Seen Titanic? You've got to be kidding me..
99.Kissed someone? Yes.
100.Tried a weight loss program? Nope.
101.Jumped on a trampoline? Yes. That's really fun
102.Colored in a coloring book (and had fun)? What kid hasn't?
103.Had a bubble bath? Not that I know of
104.Been on a plane? Yes. You mean in a plane, I hope!.
105.Been on a boat? Yes.
106.Been on a train? Yes.
107.Been in a car accident? Yes. Ouch.
108.Ridden an elephant? No.
109.Made a web page? Nope.
110.Played with Barbies? What!?.
111.Stay up all night? This questionaire must be geared toward children.
112.Shoved stuff under your bed to make your room look clean? I guess that proves it
113.Called a psychic or sex hotline? No.
114.Watched Jerry Springer? Yes.
115.Gotten in trouble for talking in class? Yes.
116.Been afraid of the dark? Nope.
117.Been in the hospital (not visiting)? Yes.
118.Had stitches? Yes
119.Dumped someone and regretted it? Yes
120.Gone out with more than one person at a time? No.
121.Lied? Yes.
122.Been arrested? Nope.
123.Fallen asleep in class?Yes.
124.Gotten in trouble in class?Yes.
125.Used food for something other than to eat? Wow! I'll say yes ;-).
126.Meta celebrity? That sounds like a word acedemics would bat around
127.Broken the law? Yes.
128.Ever loved someone so much it made you cry?Yes.
129.Hated yourself?Yes.
130.Been brokenhearted?Yes.
131.Broken someone's heart?Yes.
132.Are you a virgin? No
133.Done something really stupid? Who hasn't!.
134.Been arrested? I've answered this
135.Hurt a friend?Yes.
136.Broken a bone? a few bones.
137.Ever had a crush on a teacher?Yes.
138. Why do you want to know? I don't
139.Guy name? Elias
140.Girl name? Hannah
141.Nationality? I don't have a favorite
142.Color? green
143.Holiday? May Day
144.Day of the week? friday.
145.Restaurant? The Mud Pie
146.Fastfood restaurant? restaurant
147.Food? Korean
148.Animal? tiger.
149.Pet? cat
150.Store? Goodwill
151.Mall? Our Lady of Perpetual Responsibility
152.Clothes brand? Don' t have one.
153.Soda? root beer
154.Alcohol? rye whiskey.
155.Instrument? the fiddle.
156.Season? Summer.
157.Number? 7.
158.Radio station? The Current.
159.Song? I can't pick just one.
160.Sport? Soccer (and football!)
161.Vacation spot? My mind.
162.State? Wisconsin!
163.Country? I don't have one; they all have positives and negatives
164.Flower? chrysanthemum
165.Perfume? I don't wear perfume, or cologne (except for dates, sometimes).
166.Thing to do? Write.
167.Actor? Steve McQueen.
168.Actress? Franka Potente
169.Saying? 'Nothing gold can stay' (from the Frost poem)
170.Car? One that I don't have to drive
171.Month? october.
172.Cartoon? G.I. Joe is pretty funny
173.T.V.Show? NCIS
174.Website? Wikipedia.
175.Book? The Age of Anxiety, by W.H. Auden.
176.Quality about yourself? I'm a good listener
177.Your best friend? Jay
178.Your best guy friend? Jay.
179.Your best girl friend? Beck
180.Fruit? Whatever I can get ;-)
181.Vegetable? saurkraut, lol
182.Meat? No thanks.
185.Type of movie? I movie that blurs all types
186.Candy? 3 Muskateers.
187.Language? Russian.
188.Magazine? The New Yorker
189.CD? There's no way I can answer this
190.Store? Robbers 'R Us
191.Movie? If. . .
192.Day of the week? firday.
193.Singer? I couldn't pick just one
194.Band? Soul Caughing