
Dec 14, 2005 02:05

Hi, internet community! I have been scarce because my computer staged a revolution when I wasn't looking. My hard drive is in serious jeopardy, as are my essays, my porn, my music, my obscure bookmarked websites, and my Seinfeld episodes. Fortunately for me, life is otherwise treating me well. I'm not looking forward to ten days away from Ramapo, but we do what we have to do with dignity, grace, and death threats when needed (There will be no alcohol, however, except for New Year's Eve and perhaps Christmas Day, depending on how things go). I've fully cast The Vagina Monologues(FEBRUARY 14-16 8PM SET THE DATES NOW), have been talking to some very loverly people, and am coming down with a cold.

Remember the Cootie Shot? Well, you use this to protect you from The Gay:
Fosse, Fosse, Graham, Graham
Now you have your gay shot, ma'am
Twink, twink, bear, bear
Now you have it over there.

Also note that casual chic =/= casual shiek. That is all.
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