I am Blessed

Mar 09, 2006 21:28

Spring break 06 woot woot! It was a grand time in Fort Lauderdale with mama and Lauren. We shopped, tanned, ate, slept, drank....the usual spring break stuff with the fam. The sun was beautiful. I can't wait til I can see it again, but here in Michigan! I like Florida and all, but I've been there so many times in my life that I don't know if I would want to live there. If I wound up getting a stellar job in Miami or South Beach or something I would probably go, but I want to go out west more. I've never been, but desperatly need to. Karin and I might be going this summer, but who knows. There is talk of Bonnaroo again, but I'm actually thinking of 10,000 Lakes-its in Wisconsin in early August. Its line up is filled with more festival type bands, its camping on a lake, and the weather should be perfect for a festival. Not too hot, but still warm, not rainy....beautiful! Plus, I'd love to try that out cuz I've never been to it or to Wisconsin...I want to try their cheese. hah I love cheese and they are home of the biggest cheese heads.

Only about a month til my fashion show. Time to buckle down and get this shit done! A twist of events has brought me to a very difficult decision about the show that may end up changing quite a bit in it. I've only got a few days to decide what to do too! It'll work out tho...plus its not the end of the world.

I'm excited for this year to be done just cuz I'm sick of having all of these huge commitments goin on. Next year I don't think I"ll be doing quite as much all the time...actually I probably will cuz I can't keep still for two seconds. hah

I am getting pretty excited about my house next year. I get to paint my room! yay! and we'll be right down by main street which is awesome. Man, fall will be crazy party time for sure. Tail gaiting and everything will be that much better just cuz we're down town. Shit, and welcome weekend! MAN!

So I'm lookin at pics and the line up for 10,000 lakes and it looks fuckin sweet! Lewer said he was almost pos he was goin along w/ pat, nick, and i'm not sure who else. that'd be tight to explore that for a few days.

Kendall my love is coming over now so i must be off...time to girly chat for a while!

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