Casting the Bible: Hollywood Style
No spoilers
The Bible as a movie? It's been done, in parts. If I were to make the Bible into a movie, I'd for SURE have these people playing these characters. It'd be a blockbuster hit and make tons of money. I thought about these choices for a while, but whenever you do a casting spam, it's always a personal thing. Anyway, enjoy. :)
I thought that this might be too cliche, but then I just went with it. Who can deny that they would want their lives to be narrated by Morgan Freeman? Those VISA commercials get me all excited, I love 'em. And of course, I was sort of influenced by Bruce and Evan Almighty, though in my casting, he makes no formal physical appearance. God in the bible is usually just heard of seen through symbols and other people, never directly. The burning bush, angels, etc.. Those are all manifestations of him. But I really just love Freeman's voice. My runner ups were Liam Neeson and Dan Green, but Neeson got on here in another role and Green is just too much for me.
At first, I was going to go with Amy Adams, but she just doesn't have that "seductress" look going for her. She's too damn cute. But I knew I wanted Eve to be a red head. I always imagined her as such. Howard does a lot of hair colors, but she rocks the red like nobody's business, so I went with this beauty. I didn't even attempt to search for pics of her naked because I just don't want to scar my computer. People will put anything online. Anyway, Eve's a personal favorite of mine because it's so interesting the burden she has to bear. Why should she? Is it all her fault? Just some questions.
I don't watch Supernatural, but I thought of him when I started thinking of Adam. He's just got this very youthful, almost naive face that I always imagined Adam having. Sort of wandering through life not entirely aware, but not because he's stupid, just because he's more like a child than anything else and doesn't really understand anything but the good around him. From what I've seen of Supernatural, Padalecki seems to play a more innocent side to the duo of he and his brother? But I don't really know all that well.
Abraham was the wise and faithful servant of God who would have done anything he asked - even sacrifice his own son, Isaac (cast below). Abraham is often called Father Abraham because he is considered the father of the western religions: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, through his two sons Isaac and Ishmael. God commanded of Abraham to take his son to the land of Moriah and bind and sacrifice Isaac there. When he arrived with the boy at the top of the mount, an angel gave him instead a ram to sacrifice in place of his son and he was promised many descendents and great prosperity. Neeson just sort of has that pious and wise look that Abraham is all about. I dig.
Isaac is the second son of Abraham by his wife Sarah, born after many years in which his mother was baren. She did not believe she could become pregnant at her age, but she bore Abraham his first son after Ishmael. Christians and Jews can trace their lineage to Isaac. He was spared by God when his father brought him to Moriah as a sacrifice. Somerholder sort of looks like Neeson and he has a very lamb-like face. Deer in the headlights look. That's how I imagine Isaac.
I picked Cillian Murphy because 1. he resembles Ian Somerholder and 2. He's a bit older and just has that darker look. Ishmael is considered "wicked" but repenant by many Jews, who claim that Isaac is the true heir of Abraham, despite being younger.
Oh Moses. First of all, I always imagine Moses as REALLY old. I know "Prince of Egypt" made him not old, but I really think this guy is just ancient. Don't know. That's why I picked Ian McKellan because I think he can really pull off the OLD OLD look better than many. I mean, he IS old, but not ancient. Anyway, Moses as we know freed his people from the Pharaoh who he was raised with. He was instructed by God through the burning bush to do so and even doubted God's decision that he should be the one, which really pissed the big guy off. But we know about the parting of the Red Sea and the river of blood and the plagues. This guy was dedicated. If I were to make a big deal hollywood project out of the good book, McKellan would be my choice for Moses.
Some stories say Zipporah was black because she was Ethiopian. I've read that book and yes, indeed, that's where she's from. So I'm sure she was rather dark skinned. But this is our Hollywood remake based on art. And if you look of paintings of her, you'll get a lot of porcelain skinned beauties lifting water from a well. It's just the way it was. I think Vanessa Redgrave is GORGEOUS and I think she would play off of McKellan very well.
Okay. Jacob and Esau were hard. Because I watch LOST and I'm spoiled by the kick-ass casting they've done with these characters. And I was like who are some good looking actors who could play off one another well? Well duh! Law and RDJ rock the duo boat, so picked them. Jacob in my mind is much more innocent. He's the lighter son and the favorite of his mother. Of the two, I definitely think Jude Law is lighter in complexion and a lot less devilish looking that RDJ. Jacob has many many children in the bible and most of the old testament characters can trace someone in their past back to him.
Esau was the preferred son by his father and was the one who was supposed to receive the blessing from his father because he was the eldest. But his mother tricked her husband into blessing Jacob and so Esau sort of got the short end of the stick. And I don't know if he ever got over it. Really. He and his brother eventually made up though. RDJ would be a perfect in a Hollywood casting because he's just rather wicked looking. Which is how I always pictured Esau. Dark and wicked. Though he's not nearly hairy enough. Is it weird that for a while I always thought of Robin Williams when I read about Esau's "hairy arms"? I don't know. Maybe it is.
Not a lot I can say here. Saul's not a character I really like. I actually DON'T like him at all because he's a bit of an asshole, which is why I put him in here, because it's good to vent. He sort of "adopted" David but also tried to kill him? Which was a dick move, IMO. Saul had a son, but David ultimately prevailed in the right to be King of the Israelites. A lot of people associate Connery with Noah, but I've always thought of him as a magnificent bastard, so Saul fits with me better.
Is it just me or does David always seem a little "la di da"? I don't know. He's a true Israelite and thus can be their true king. Like Jacob, many people in the bible can trace their lineage backward to David. Supposedly he killed Goliath, but they may not be true, only attributed to him due to his fame. Look it up. Anyway. I chose Ewan McGregor because he's just a little boy. I mean look at him. So freaking cute. And I always just see David as sort of...boyish. And Obi Wan-ish.
Okay. Yes. I'm obsessed with Michael Emerson. But hear me out on this one. Job was chosen by God and Satan be a part of a little experiment. God tortured the shit out of him and Satan offered him all these nice things if he'd just turn his back on God. And Job was like "No. Fuck Satan." And all his friends straight judged him and all his kids died and his wife and he lost his hair and he got boils and he was covered in filth. was bad. And why did I choose one of my favorite people for this? First, it's a favorite story of mine. I'm not religion, but that devotion is MIND BOGGLING. Second, Emerson EXCELS at having the shit beat out of him. Just look at anything he's in. Emotionally or physically, he gets beat. Or he's creepy. Either way, I want him to be my Job.