Oct 28, 2009 21:44
1. My freaking pets I tell you. They form evil plans together. The cat is smart enough to figure out how to open doors sometimes, so she ends up letting the dog into rooms where she's not supposed to be, like where I'm sleeping and don't particularly want her excitedly jumping all over me. And today was the second time I left my iPod somewhere I thought was safe and out of the dog's reach, and then Smokey knocked it off the table onto the floor and Casey completely chewed up the leather case. This time she actually did some damage to the iPod because I had to pry open the thingy where you hook up the chord a little so that I could still get it to connect to docks and stuff. At least my nano is the last model so you can now find cases for them for really cheap online. I was about to freak out when I thought she might have ruined the iPod, though.
2. Wow, Battlestar Galactica: The Plan is out, isn't it? ...I'm remarkably not on top of this considering it's me...
3. So Terminex came a few days ago to look over the house, and oh boy is it going to be fun getting rid of bedbugs. Among other things, this is going to involve storing all our clothes in tightly sealed bags in the garage for eighteen months. I have all this old stuff stored under my bed like notebooks with Star Wars stories in them that Layla and I wrote when we were kids, and they're saying anything that's been sitting in a place like that I'd be better off just throwing away. We don't even want to think about Dad's guitars which he takes all over the house. And it only further complicates things that Layla is always traveling to and from Wesleyan, which might be where one of us picked them up in the first place for all we know. It could cost almost $2,000 altogether to get this taken care of.
Sorry, I know this is disgusting to talk about, but seriously. Don't get them. Look over hotel rooms before you stay in them. These things are evil demons of hell. :(
4. Wow, I picked a hell of a time to get behind on Mad Men for a couple weeks. I finally watched the last two and now I'm like... O_O This shit got real.
I always watch the "Inside Mad Men" documentaries following each episode on the AMC site, and I was kind of confused that they didn't cover the great Peggy and Kinsey story in "The Color Blue" in the video at all. Usually they include some blurb of an interview about everything. Those scenes got so hilarious it's kind of strange to remember they happened in the same episode as some pretty intense stuff.
battlestar galactica,
casey the hyper thing,
smokey the homeless crackwhore,
mad men