Sep 07, 2003 09:33
Good day to all, no matter when you read this.
So, drama ensues once again.
College has been really awsome in many repects, first of all being that I can see jill whenever i friggin feel like, AND i can call her. But, also, up until last night, we spent every night together. not (always) with the bow-chica bow-bow, but mostly just very comfortable sleep. Sleeping with jill totally beats an electric blanket. warmth, comfort, and kissable.
But i think that transitioning from and extreme lack of togetherness to an extreme immerssion (spelled wrong...) of togetherness has thrown me off a bit. i mean a lot. i didnt really see it until last night. too much of a person does things to a relationship. its not that she is driving me berserk or anything, but a person needs some solitude once in a while. becasue then not only am i with her, but i am constantly reminded of myself. i cannot even escape me, which everyone needs.
ehh... its not that bad, it isnt bad at all.
everything is ok, in MODERATION.