For those of you who aren't following me on Twitter,* my life has basically been taken over by The Untamed. Like, oh, A LOT of other people in fandom.
Seriously, if you haven't watched this Chinese Drama, you should really consider it. (It's on Netflix!!) The production value on it is notably high too, which might make for a smoother transition for folks who are new to Asian dramas or who tried them previously and didn't quite like it.
(Although, to be fair, the production value for k-drama has been way higher for a while. I feel like it's more that the c-dramas seem to be catching up fast right now. )
Also, for the record,
arallara has gotten totally obsessed with it now too. Which just makes me cackle with glee every time I think of it. (Can I take responsibility for her fall? I think I can? But I'm not sure. Others may have helped.)
I'm also trying to vid The Untamed and this is my first time working with a TV show, let alone a TV show with 50 episodes. Making the clips is taking F.O.R.E.V.E.R.
My life is basically 90% work and then the rest is me collapsing in a heap with wine (or a gin and tonic) and watching The Untamed. It's a life. I'm not sure its the best possible life, but it's working okay for me in the short term. ;)
* or Tumblr, but I'm there a lot less.
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