Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end

Jul 24, 2003 21:01

She wishes she was a dancer,
and that she'd never heard of cancer

Practice has been hectic. Drummies from 3:30 - 5:30 at the Eriksens, then from 6-8 I've got play prac. When am I supposed to do homework?
Juf. Antoinette's a cow. She was a cow to me today in Afrikaans.
Last term we spent a whole 40 mins snapping at each other.

My cousin, Guy, just phoned me earlier. He asked me if I'd go to the matric farewell with his friend, Herman. I think I'll go. I love dressing up for shit like that.
I've got an idea already. There's this shop where I saw this butterfly top -- almost like Mariah Carey wore once. It's real sexy. And then whatever skirt goes with it. Rawr.

I just need a proper rest before I break down again or something. For the last 2 years I've spent time in the clinic at the end of the year. I've had enough and I'm not going for a 3rd round.

Isn't it freaky when someone [who you know nothing about] seems to know everything about you.


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