cold friday evening!

Jan 14, 2005 16:53

Today has been hectic but productive. Metro broke down today leaving me in the middle of no-where with an exam in less than an hour. Luckily said middle of nowhere is also served by buses, and the one I got on dumped me the wrong side of the city centre but with a bit of a sprint I made it on time. Phew. I would have been most annoyed to have to re-sit too, as it was a 50 question multiple choice exam, which most of us had finished in the first 20 mins...

Exams so far have been fine. Statistics on Monday though..

This afternoon I braved the sales to buy some smart clothes for the paediatric clinic which starts week after next. I have smart clothes already but they are really strict about lengths of skirts/necklines etc as we are working with school age children of both sexes, and have to sit on miniature chairs!

Then met with a friend for a catch up and caht about all things musical, before heading back. This evening, NO REVISION!
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