May 16, 2008 14:35
Well, I kind of have a lot to update about...
First of all, I passed the PRAXIS II Math Content Knowledge... So that means I am on my way to becoming a math teacher.
Secondly, I turned 21 on April 16th! So that means I can go to the bar! Although, the two drinks I might pre-game with are usually enough so that I don't need to actually buy anything once I get to the bar. But on my birthday I had 7 mixed shots! I'm impressed with myself because on Friday I was trashed from 3 drinks. I didn't even have a hangover the day after my birthday... although I'm pretty sure I was still a little drunk during my first class the next day. I thought I had remembered everything from my birthday night, but then I checked facebook the next day. I had remembered writing on maybe 2 people's walls with very good grammar.... but I had actually written on more, but still with really good grammer.. so yeah. The moral of the story is, I'm an incredible light weight.
Third... I went to the Mindless Self Indulgence concert with Jen, Annalise, and Elisha (JADE!!) on May 2 at the Electric Factory... and Jimmy Urine (the lead singer) specifically told ME to "Shut The Fuck Up!" during his set!
The whole story is... He had said that we should dress up as different mascots to promote the band and asked who was dressed up like a chicken for him. I raised my hands, jumped up and down, and screamed... when I obviously was not dressed as a chicken. So he said "What the fuck are you doing you 4"4' peice of shit! You're not dressed up! Waving your arms in the air, jumping up and down. What are you doing? Shut the fuck up!" ...atleast something along those lines. I've been trying to find it on youtube, but I can't; although, most of the rest of the concert is on there. I like to watch it.
But most importantly... Annalise and I got our tickets signed at the end!! BALLIINNNNNN
I finished my semester last Friday and I've been home since Saturday... I am so much happier. Not that I was unhappy at school, but it's been REALLY nice not to have any responsibilities this week, be able to sleep in, stay up late, and hang out with my friends every night. Although... I REALLY miss my roommates, I don't think I haven't spoken to Sam for an entire day since we moved out haha. But also, I REALLY missed my home friends, I didn't quite realized how much I missed them until I started hanging out with them again.
Since my dad is clueless, I figured it would be ok to do something kind of inappropriate with my boyfriend while he visited yesterday, while my dad was home, awake, and in the next room. Now, what I didn't anticipate is how clueless my dad is... He thought that we had left the house!! Hahaha... That's so awesome.
Anyway, I got most my grades today...
Intro to Real Analysis (which should be renamed Intro to HELL): B+
Modern Algebra: A
Adolescent Developement: A-
Practicum B - Math: A
Teaching and Learning B - Math: A-
Holla... And I'm still waiting on Human Exceptionalities, which should be either an A or A- because that class was a little bit of a joke.
Hope this was an adequate update,
later goons