Part Three Hundred

Jun 08, 2007 08:14

Billy: ::glances around Sketch's, seeing that it's nearly empty and almost closing time; looks across the table at Dom, smiles::
Dom: ::stretches, smiling:: Think it was a really good idea to let Orlando watch Emma tonight.
Billy: He'll need the practice if he and Sean are serious about the family thing.
Dom: Don't know if they are or not, but... aye. ::shrugs:: Think he gets lonely, now that Sean's working long hours. Bit like you, eh, Boyd? ::grins, watching him::
Billy: Oi! I've been working less.
Dom: I know, and I appreciate it. Like seeing more of you. Which is why I'm spending my evening with you instead of at home with the telly, alone.
Billy: Shut it and eat your Chinese, Monaghan. ::grins, sipping his beer:: Alone with the telly... honestly.
Dom: Aye, that's what I do when you're not there. ::leans across the table, picking up some of Billy's food with his chop stick:: Lay about and pine for you. Or watch porn... But same thing, really, yeah?
Billy: That would explain the stains on the sofa. Really, Dom, you could tidy up after yourself. ::snickers::
Dom: ::snorts, eating some of the fried rice:: Wouldn't need to tidy up if my husband were coming home to take care of my... needs.
Billy: I'll take care of your needs alright. Just as soon as you've washed behind your.. ears. ::grins::
Dom: You're really shite at dirty talk, love. ::grins, shaking his head:: 'S alright. You can take me home later and wash my ears. Might even let you drop the soap.
Billy: Think so? I thought it was your turn to drop the soap.
Dom: Aye, might be. You're getting old. Wouldn't want you to... strain something while bending over to pick it up.
Billy: Old? You wound me, Dominic, you really do. Still using the same shite pickup lines on me after five years.
Dom: Thought my pickup line was that I liked your nuts? Though you did tell me they were shite... I rather disagree.
Billy: That was after you told me I was too old for you.
Dom: Obviously changed my mind.
Billy: After you'd had a second thought about my nuts.
Dom: Well, your nuts require... many thoughts. ::laughs:: Christ. We were even eating Chinese that night, weren't we? ::snaps his chopsticks at Billy, smiling::
Billy: We were, yes. Way back when you were a poor, starving uni student with a horny roommate back at the residence hall. ::smiles::
Dom: All that's changed 's I've changed from being in school to teaching it, and the horny roommate is now you.
Billy: ::laughs:: Am I now? Maybe if you watched less porn you wouldn't think me quite so up for it.
Dom: You seem to keep up with me. Haven't had a problem yet.
Billy: Doubt you will.
Dom: Not that old, then?
Billy: Me? Or you?
Dom: ::laughs:: You, mate. I know I'm not that old. Always going to be younger than you.
Billy: And I'll always be better looking than you.
Dom: ::wrinkles his nose, looking him over::
Billy: ::laughs:: Arse.
Dom: ::grins:: You are good looking. 'S why I married you.
Billy: Probably the only reason.
Dom: Nah. You're a good shag. Not as good as me, mind... But I'm the best you've ever had, remember?
Billy: Did I say that?
Dom: Seem to recall something along those lines...
Billy: I must have been drunk.
Dom: ::laughs, reaching to steal more of his food:: Aye, must have been. Must have been drunk when you married me, too.
Billy: No, I distinctly recall be sober that day. ::slaps his hand away from his plate:: And rather ridiculously happy.
Dom: And now the romance has died. Won't even share your food...
Billy: You've got your own. Stop stealing mine or I'll send the leftovers to Elijah in California. ::smiles::
Dom: Might be a bit soggy by the time he gets them. ::shakes his head, moving back to his own carton of food::
Billy: ::glances around the pub again:: Remember the first night you came in here. Jesus, I thought you were a ghost.
Dom: ::watches him for a moment, quieting down - smiles a bit:: Was surprised when you didn't throw me out.
Billy: I never wanted you to go in the first place, Dom.
Dom: Aye, but... I did. You should have hated me for that. I hated me for that.
Billy: Never hated you. Missed you when you were gone.
Dom: You had that other girl.
Billy: Wasn't the same.
Dom: But you were still with her. Still trying to make a new life. ::shrugs weakly:: I don't know what I was trying to do. ::laughs:: Just... figuring things out, on my own.
Billy: It was a substitute for the life I really wanted. But I have that now, with you. 'S all that matters.
Dom: ::smiles and leans across the table to kiss him:: Finally got it all figured out, and found you again.
Billy: Glad you did.
Dom: Never been so nervous as when I saw you.
Billy: Really? ::joking:: I couldn't tell.
Dom: ::nudges his leg under the table with his foot:: Prat. You weren't exactly jumping for joy at the sight of me.
Billy: Maybe not on the outside.
Dom: Yeah? ::nods slightly:: Was surprised I even had the courage to tell you I still loved you.
Billy: It wouldn't have mattered if you hadn't said it - I knew.
Dom: ::laughs:: Always said you didn't know what I wanted.
Billy: I'm getting better at it. Just knew you still wanted me.
Dom: Had no bloody idea if you still wanted me.
Billy: I did. Christ, Dom, of course I did. Never anyone but you.
Dom: ::smiles:: Never's a long time, Billy. Some night, some uni student might wander into this pub and steal your heart. Or at least your nuts.
Billy: Some uni student did, five years ago. A different pub, slightly different nuts, but...
Dom: Soppy old man. ::leans across the table, kissing him softly:: But the story has a happy ending, as that uni student married his soppy old bartender. ::grins:: And he loves him. When he's not being a wanker and working long hours.
Billy: And the soppy old bartender loves his uni student turned teacher. Even though he stays home nights, wanking on the sofa. ::smiles::
Dom: Hoping I don't have to do that tonight. ::slides his chair closer, kissing his neck::
Billy: No. As a special treat you can wank upstairs in bed and I'll watch you.
Dom: ::laughs:: Always liked that, didn't you? Watching me? Pervert.
Billy: Not perverted. Just like to look at you. You're lovely and you know it.
Dom: Mmm. Imagine I do, aye. You did say I was the best you've had. Drunk or no.
Billy: ::laughs:: Took me a while to figure out what to do with you, though.
Dom: Think you did alright, though. Like I said, can't complain about the shagging.
Billy: Just that it took me so long to want more than that from you, right?
Dom: There was that. ::kisses his forehead and goes to get a beer from behind the bar:: Just had to keep pushing until you saw things my way.
Billy: Your way ended up being alright. ::smiles::
Dom: ::brings Billy back a beer as well, sitting with him again:: I rather thought so. ::leans against him, smiling:: You wouldn't say you loved me for ages. But I knew.
Billy: How could I not love someone who threw food at me the first time we met? ::slides an arm around him::
Dom: ::laughs:: Don't know, really. Should have tried that approach sooner.
Billy: You know I didn't mean to make you work so hard for it, don't you? ::snorts:: Christ, that didn't sound nice, did it?
Dom: ::smiles, kissing his neck:: I'm just glad you stopped fighting me on it.
Billy: Got us here, didn't it?
Dom: With only a few minor bumps in the road...
Billy: To put it mildly.
Dom: Been plenty of times I thought we wouldn't make it through. ::steals one of his mushrooms and eats it:: But I'm glad we did. Think we'll last this time, 'f we've gotten through this much.
Billy: I'd say so. ::kisses him:: We'd better. Don't think I could face a divorce.
Dom: ::smiles against his lips:: Could make you give me all your money and I'd never have to work again.
Billy: ::laughs:: I haven't got that much.
Dom: It's enough, love. Especially since you sold the pub.
Billy: Mmmm. Rather thought we might use that to send Emma to university some day.
Dom: I'm sure we will. It'll be here before we know it. ::sighs, shaking his head:: Think life is through giving us more bloody... bumps? Sort of want things to be... quiet now. With less drama. Used to hate doing nothing exciting, and just laying around the house. But I like it now. 'S familiar, not boring.
Billy: Never can tell. Could be some fairly exciting bumps out there. For instance, I think that we can safely say there will be an exciting bump in my trousers later.
Dom: ::grins:: That's a good kind of bump, though.
Billy: I'm pleased you think so.
Dom: Have to get rid of your customers first.
Billy: Suppose I do. ::glances over at the last two customers:: They look properly pished, don't they?
Dom: ::snorts:: Should have cut them off ages ago.
Billy: Nah. Let the Americans spend money in here. God knows the likes of you never will. ::smiles::
Dom: Yet I'm sure I drink a good portion of the profits, 'f you and Beanie are to be believed.
Billy: ::laughs, remembering something:: This from the man who left me twenty quid the first time he came into my pub.
Dom: You wouldn't let me pay for the bloody drinks or the Chinese. Probably owed you more than that. ::smiles, watching him:: I'd have given you a bloody lot more than a twenty that night if I'd thought you would have let me...
Billy: Christ, now you tell me! I didn't know you felt like that, else I'd have taken you right there at the sodding bar.
Dom: ::grins, kissing him again:: Had your chance again a few nights later and all you did was
kiss me and send me back to the dorms for a wank once Elijah passed out.
Billy: Yes, well, there was a rather inebriated Englishman wanting to sleep in my sofa that night. Probably best we waited. Anyway, I snogged you that night, didn't I?
Dom: ::smiles:: You did. Whiskey and wood, yeah? ::presses his face into his neck, closing his eyes and inhaling:: Love that smell, even now. Can still smell it on your pillow when you're not there with me. Best smell in the bloody world.
Billy: ::nudges him affectionately:: Sentimental git.
Dom: ::grins:: Anyway, imagine it's best you didn't have me over the bar that first night. No reason to come back, then.
Billy: Wanker. You wouldn't have, either.
Dom: ::laughs and shakes his head:: Probably not. Liked that I couldn't understand you right away.
Billy: Had me sussed out pretty quick though, really. Didn't take you long at all.
Dom: I usually get what I want.
Billy: Like a spoiled child that way.
Dom: Oi! It got me you.
Billy: ::smiles:: It did at that, love.
Dom: If we'd left it solely to you, don't imagine we'd have even lasted two hours.
Billy: Good thing we leave the really important decisions to you, then.
Dom: ::snorts, kissing him again:: Aye. Good thing.
Billy: ::pulls away, stretching:: Alright. Let me chase these girls out of here and then we'll go home, yeah?
Dom: Finally taking me home, Boyd? ::smiles and stands, clearing the cartons off the table::
Billy: Always want to take you home, Monaghan. ::stands, making his way over to the bar::
Dom: ::smiles and grabs his arse playfully:: Hurry it up, then.
Billy: Oi! ::grins, taking money from the girls at the bar::
Dom: ::holds the door open for them as they leave, shaking his head as they stumble out, mumbles:: Americans...
Billy: Ahh, but Americans who spend money in my pub, so I don't mind.
Dom: ::grins:: Well. So long as you don't mind. ::throws the empty cartons away, kissing Billy's cheek:: Are you cleaning the place up, or letting the staff do it in the morning?
BillyLiebe: B> ::looks around:: Sod it. Let them deal with it in the morning. I want to take my husband home, have a look in on our wee one, and go to bed.
Dom: Mmm. No wee one tonight... ::wraps an arm around his waist:: She's having a sleepover at Uncle Orlando's. Which means... ::kisses his neck, softly:: I can be as loud as you want, and only scare Edgar.
Billy: Mmmm. No wee one at home? ::pulls him closer:: That sounds nice. But poor Edgar.
Dom: ::smiles:: Can do whatever you want tonight 'f she's not home.
Billy: Alright, then. Let's go home, shall we?
Dom: Aye. Take me home. ::wraps an arm around him, leading him toward the door::
Billy: ::turns off the lights, locking the pub behind them:: Home it is.
Dom: ::laughs slightly and pushes him gently against the closed door, kissing him::
Billy: ::kisses him back:: Mmmm. What was that for?
Dom: Just... wanted to. Because I love you, prat.
Billy: ::grins:: I love you too, wanker.
Dom: ::laughs and takes his hand, squeezing:: Come on, then. Home.
Billy: Aye. Home.

Alright, faithful PW readers, that's it. Just over a year of writing and almost two years of posting, and painted_whiskey is officially finished. This will be the last post to this community, but fear not! Posting of the 14-part epilogue begins on Monday over at pw_future! (And there might just be character questions after we've posted everything we've written!)
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