Jan 15, 2008 00:01
It snowed today, a little less than an inch, all feathery and sparkly. There was a stage where it looked like the ground was covered in a layer of dandelion fluff.
In other news, I got canned. This was my third night canvassing, and I got nothing. Like, literally, no donations at all. So the guy said it wasn't working out, and let me go. The frustrating thing is I don't know why I did so well my first night, and then so much worse the other two.
I don't feel terrible about it, cuz it basically amounts to I don't have the right money-pheremones to be a sales person, which wasn't something I ever really aspired to anyway. Nor is it that common a talent, it seems like the way these folks operate is by hiring practically anyone, and then ruthlessly weeding for people with whatever magic touch it takes to bring in the bucks. I will miss the people I was working with, a lot of them were neat. But se la vie. Tomorrow it's back to the job hunting.