I am on vacation! Which I am currently using to sit in bed with my laptop. And somehow this feels joyful! and exciting! and indulgent! in a way that sitting in bed with my laptop on a normally scheduled day off does not.
I'm off to Minnesota for five days to watch the
world cup of gay rugby. It is shaping up to be a good summer. I've got trips out of town, friends from afar coming to visit, a bike and a body in fully functioning condition, a little vegetable patch, and a new sweetheart who is, well, sweet.
The housemate who wears axe body spray has moved out, and the guy we have coming in to fill his place is a little awkward and young - Lawson described him as having "programmer boundaries" - but I mostly don't care because I am tired of doing interviews and he Does Not Wear Cologne which relieves me enough to overlook a variety of other personality issues.
I applied for some jobs with the county, because the city's budget is sketch and they've been threatening lay-offs for awhile, and am getting call-backs for second interviews, which I am mainly regarding as a nuisance as I don't actually want the jobs. I am too superstitious to blow them off though. Maybe "planning for the worst" is not the same as "superstitious" but in my head there is a direct cause and effect relationship between preparing for something and it actually happening. If I hadn't stayed up half the night reading all those novels for the book club, people would have actually shown up.
Oh, my life is good right now. My life is rich.