Sep 01, 2005 11:43
I left school early, thinking i would have time to take a nap before working for the ASU game with my mom for St. Mary's parent hours, since it was double or whatever. I got khaki pants right after school....but my mom was on the go! Cuz she had to take andrew to the dental appointment, get me lunch, pick up the twins, get my dad, pick up andrew and take him to football....time really passes. And before you know's 3...and we have to start heading to ASU Sundevil Stadium. We served drinks from 6ish to 10...and damn do my feet hurt. I don't think you're supposed to accept tips for these things...but i totally refused and said "NO" to this 3 times...but he put down 2 bucks and walked away...i was like..."wth?! and YES!" at teh same time. There were so many cute/hot guys there..omg! And the volunteer asu chefs whom i think are like culinary students...we're pretty cute.
Tonight, i became angry at myself for being so americanized compared to my mom...she's lived here for 18-19 years...she's concentrated on leaving her past in the philippines...but there's so much she doesn't understand about everything. I know i can't help being so americanized...she even didn't really want me to learn tagalog in the first place. I just hate all the misunderstandings.