A white man's country.

May 13, 2010 17:25

I'm sure that you all have heard enough about this event make me posting a link to the article unnecessary but for those who haven't;


As if this bill doesn't deliberately target non-whites for special police attention....

With the bottoming out of the economy, the increase in globalization, and our new found fixation with the immigration issue I sometimes become worried that the destructive force of nationalism is a growing element of public life in America.  It's interesting to note that prior to the early 90's the largest group of illegal immigrants in this country were coming from Ireland and Poland.  It was only after the Catholics sneaking into our country became dark skinned that groups like the Minute Men began patrolling the boarder as citizen volunteers.  Who then can deny that they are a nationalist organization?

This piece of legislation is a type of throwback to the anti-gang legislation passed in California in the 90's which essentially formed a dragnet gang registery.  If you were standing on a corner you could be stopped, arrested, and registered with the police gang registry regardless of your actual affiliation which of course made it impossible to get a job if your employer decides to run a background check.  Now, if your skin's darker than khaki in Arizona, better have a couple forms of i.d. on ya.  The truth of the matter is that this is not a piece of immigration legislation, it does not deal with the influx of illegal immigrants, it does nothing to resolve the underlying economic issues, it does nothing to beef up security. It is a piece of race legislation and as such betrays the spirit of our country.

"As a nation we began by declaring that all men are created equal.  We now practically read it 'all men are created equal except negroes'.  Soon it will read 'all men are created equal except for negroes, and foreigners and Catholics'.  When it comes to this I should prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretense of loving liberty, to Russia for instance, where despotism can be taken without the base alloy of hypocrisy."
- 1857
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