"Tales of My Roommates"

Jul 08, 2008 07:54

Welcome back boys and girls it is time for another exciting installment of "Tales of My Roommates." So I wake up a little early for my shift today (I don't have to leave for an hour). I like to have plenty of time to wake up seeing as to how I am not a coffee drinker. Well my actual roommate is asleep on the couch. Last night when I got off work he was in bed asleep. So he is going on 10 hours of sleep now and his second location. It does not bother me that he sleeps on the couch it is just weird. He says it is because the couch is more comfortable. Now what if I wanted to watch T.V.? He is sleeping in the living room so that would wake him up. I am too nice to do that.

Now on to another roommate. Last night the yes-man freaked out over what I believe to be a mosquito bite. He goes outside to talk on the phone (like most of us) but he leaves the door open after I have told him time and time again that all these things he is scared of come inside when the door is open. He comes in saying that he thinks he was bitten by a spider that he did not see. Then he gets another call and comes back in with another welt saying he was bitten again. He sits down then stands up and says he feels dizzy. He is pacing around with his fingers on his pulse point saying his heart rate is speeding up. He then ask if I can take him to the hospital. (I hold back the laughter). I tell him to get all his i.d.'s and any proof of insurance he might need and lets go. (I don't want to be wrong and him die on me). He then says he wants to call his mom because she is some kind of nurse. She laughs at him and says he is over reacting. He calms down. I tell him to put ice on it to help the swelling. (I knew this would not really help but it would divert his attention from scratching it that was making it swell more. ) I am glad I did not have to take him to the hospital over this after all I just wanted to rest for the night.

In other news the kitchen is not as bad as it has been but still not great. Someone is leaving cabinets open.

So my friend that was in the hospital... He has cancer. They say it is curable and everything looks good. It still sucks.

Now for a little spot of the brighter side of life:

I have the greatest job in the world. How many people can say they went to work and walked around a revolving restaurant and was attacked by a giant chipmunk that claims to be a ninja. Well who can say that and also make the statement that they were not under the influence of any mind-altering substance at the time. I mean seriously, do I really get paid for my job?

Also I am trying very hard to go see Idina Menzel in concert this month. Oh how great it is to live in a city where all types of musicians come in concert.
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