Sep 12, 2008 21:12
SOOO, yesterday was my birthday..and it wasnt the best ever..i only got a couple of things..and some ppl on mf be hating on me coz i said "my poor bday" and i wont name names..but she said "that was very disrespectful." "you're selfish." blahblahblah! i wasn't disrespecting the thousands that died..i feel bad that my birthday is known as PATRIOT DAY. I mean, how would you feel? Like even if my bday was on halloween or something, id be upset. its like, i hate when ppl be thinking its 9-11. thats it..even if it happened 6541478 years ago, we will still be talking about it? idk, i don't get how im selfish. i was just upset about it, you know? but its all good, i wont worry about it. its my birthday and ill PARTY IF I FREAKING WANT TO. =D that sounds know i love chiranna right? well i do. that is chris brown & rihanna together. i have ever since feburary..i think they've been dating since then =P i decided to post pics of them..but my faves and the CUTEST ONES. they so need to stop denying their dating. lmao.
^ nvm i cant. idk how to post them. =[
patriot day.,
cute couple,
chris brown,