Whoa Baby

Jul 17, 2009 22:20

SO a lot has changed since March. I've had my baby!
Lillian Albertine Charbonneau was born June 19th at 8:38 am and was 8lbs 5 oz. and 20.75 inches long. It was a crazy experience that I still can't believe happened.
At 4am I woke up with cramps. Me thinking I had to poop went to the bathroom and shortly realized that wasn't the case but wasn't sure. So I went back into the bedroom and started cramping again and made some noise that woke michael up. He started timing my contrations which was 3 minutes apart and 2 minutes long. So after the third time since he started keeping track, he said he was gonna call the birthing center. I was like ok whatever. They said come on in. Michael then asks me if he can take a shower. I thought it was kinda odd but I was like ok whatever just be quick. So he showers and then gets my bag and the baby carseat and throws them in the back seat of his truck as I'm huge and uncomfortable and the contrations are getting stronger getting into the truck. Thank goodness for heated seats, handrails and steps for the truck!
Michael halls ass to the hospital which is 30minutes away. Bumps don't feel great by the way when you're in labor. Neither does the quick stop off the exit ramp. So then we get to the hospital at 545 and we're doing the baby monitor thing and checking it all out and everything looks good. Baby's heart rate is good.
So I ask for drugs cause it's getting pretty uncomfortable. She checks to see how dialated I am. 6cm. Awesome. She has to call the dr. to get the authorization. She comes back and I"m now 8cm. This is like 15 minutes. Now she has to wait for the dr. to get to the hospital before she can give me anything. Dr. comes and I'm 9 cm and it's a no go for drugs. Damn it! So it doesn't take long before i"m the full 10cm.
They ask me at 7am if I want them to break my water, it still hasn't broken. They said it would speed things up. I ask.. how fast. :) So they break my water and it has merconium which is the baby poop in the amniotic fluid. It usually means the baby is in distress at some point. Not always a bad thing but not good either. especially if the baby inhales it. So we get going and I start pushing about 20 minutes later.
I try the birthing chair which rocks. Tried standing at the end of the bed and squatting. Hated it! Back to the chair. I asked if they had a vacuum.. they could just suck her out. Michael said you don't want the baby being afraid of the vacuum cleaner. :) So then I get to the pushing where she starts to crown. I started yelling just pull her out! They apparently don't do that haha.
8:38am baby Lillian was born! Healthy as can be! When her head came out she started screaming already and boy does she have a good set of lungs! The pediatrician was there to check her over before I got to see her because of the merconium. And thus we have a baby. It was only 4.5 hours of labor. An amazingly short time. It seemed like a long time then but it really wasn't.
She's a month old now and it seems like I just gave birth to her yesterday. She's already gotten so big!
She had her first dr. appointment the monday after we got home. She weighed 8.1 when we left the hospital sunday and monday she was up to 8.4 already!
At her 2 week appointment she weighed 8.15! She's a good eater!
It's amazing being a mom. It's still so surreal at times. I hear my mom call me mom and it just seems so unreal but so good too. It's nice to be the only one who can feed her at times because I'm the only one that can sooth her crying and that feels great to give her what she needs and be that one person. However, I wish Michael could do that at 4am!!
There really is nothing like having her recognize my voice and quieting down because she knows I'm there. Or to hold her and that's all she wanted was me.
Other times it can be frustrating. Not knowing what she is crying for and not being able to fix it. Or her crying because a burp just hurts and won't come up. We've gotten better at that.
There are the funny moments like when she puked on Michael and he started gagging. HAHA! I will never forget that! "Amber help! She puked on me! (gag) It smells awful! Stop laughing at me! (gag) Uhh it's on the floor too!" Hahaha! Big EMT can handle blood and guts but not baby puke!
She had her first bath after her cord fell off. She hated it!!! Oh did she scream and squirm! Then Michael put her in the frog towel and she was like oh thank you! It's just awful! She still isn't a big fan of the bath. It's kinda funny!
Oh and when she is upset and crying she snorts!! It's so funny! I tell her it's hard to take you serious when you snort like that.
There will be many more moments of fun, love, frustration, adoration and many more. I look forward to them all!
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