Sep 20, 2005 09:19
well here again i am made out to be the bad person to make someone else feel better i should be used to being the scapegoat by now but oh well anyway i was supposed to take the girls to see his grandmother with out me i was just supposed to be ok with dropping them off and then picking them up later but the only thing is how am i supposed to trust someone who has threatened to take my daughter away so many times and be ok about it i cant and my mom had a pretty good role of convincing me too because i was going to do it i was gonna drop them off and try to be ok with it but my mother who usually meddles where shes not supposed to told me that she couldnt leave knowing that i was going there because she didnt want to lose a grandchild i tried to convince her otherwise but i couldnt so i stayed standing at the gas station trying to convince her until it was too late i think she planned it that way so again i tried to apologize for not making it and all he could do was be a jerk about it saying i was keeping her from him and from his family and i was a bad person and he dont want to be friends and he will be civil but not friendly and he will move on which he already has and he has the marks to prove it but im the bad person right? NOT anywho have a good day....... laters