Mar 20, 2011 23:09
Because Stefen has some rather unique abilities, I have posted this to explain them and to obtain permission from those who are willing to give it for them to be used on their characters. If you would be so kind as to read the following and fill out the provided form in a comment under the thread for your game, I would be much obliged.
Stefen is Gifted with the somewhat-rare Bardic Gift*--the ability to make others feel through music. When Stefen plays and/or sings, he is all but able to control the listeners' emotions, his Gift making them feel the emotion that he puts into the song, as if they themselves are part of it. This Gift, however, is inneffectual without music--if he were not playing or singing, he would be unable to exert any supernatural influence.
Additionally, Stefen has a unique ability, called a Wild Gift and extremely rare (one in a generation is being generous). Namely, Stefen has a strange Gift that allows him to essentially sing pain away. The effect is limited to those listening to the music and, as his plain Bardic Gift, is inneffective without a musical medium with which to exert the ability. It can work on any listener, so long as he keeps singing or playing.
*It is canonly mentioned that there were “legendary Bards” capable of controlling the physical actions of others through music. Stefen’s Gift may very well be that powerful, though never shown in canon. He is said to be the most talented and Gifted Bard the Collegium has seen “in an age,” though he never actually uses that Gift to control physical action, and it is hinted in one instance that he could have. Since meeting Vanyel, Stefen’s desires to use his Gift to get ahead have diminished drastically, and if he is capable of such a thing, he would not exercise his Gift in that way, self-limiting to the Bardic Gift’s regular influence on emotion and his Wild Gift.
Bardic Gift
Would you be willing to allow your character's emotions to be affected by Stefen's Bardic Gift:
[In person?]
[Over the network?]
Would you be willing to allow your character's actions to be influenced by Stefen's Bardic Gift:
[In person?
[Over the network?]
Wild Gift
Would you be willing to allow your character's pain to be mitigated by Stefen's Wild Gift:
[In person?]
[Over the network?]
♔Do not feel obligated to say yes to any questions. "No" is a perfectly acceptable answer. If a "no" is given, the Gift's failure will be blamed on unpredictability inherent in being pulled out of his own world/use over a network.
♔I will take no action in this area without first contacting any mundane of any character involved.
♔Please copy and paste the following into your comment in your game's thread:
[Character Name]
Bardic Gift
Would you be willing to allow your character's emotions to be affected by Stefen's Bardic Gift:
[In person?]
[Over the network?]
Would you be willing to allow your character's actions to be influenced by Stefen's Bardic Gift:
[In person?
[Over the network?]
Wild Gift
Would you be willing to allow your character's pain to be mitigated by Stefen's Wild Gift:
[In person?]
[Over the network?]