When the sky rained the frogs of war

May 05, 2006 01:43

So my first year of college is over. I rocked ass the first semester academically. I rocked ass in the theatre department my second semester but took a hit to my academics a little and my health. But I did get reconized by pretty much all of the professors, lol sucks that the 2 that i got to know the most are leaving. Oh well.

My work paid off though, I was nominated for a sweet award, which was for the most student to the theatre department for technical or on stage. But Mr. Chris got it. Which is totally fine with me because I waited a semester to get started with my hardcore theatre work. I in fact just did EVERYTHING that I could the second semester. I got 7.75 APO points in 1 semester, with no major roles. which is pretty nuts from what I am told. Anywho. I am happy I had this experience. and I got to meet people and I pretty much shatterd my shyness like a fiend.

Asking 5 people a day out to eat will do that to ya though lol. You get over silly rejection and crap fast if you just force social down your throat.

I acted in a ton of little things, just directing scenes and readers theatre scenes and acting 1, but hey, its all good. I learned a lot and I auditioned for a TON of stuff. and I got nothing but good reviews from the professors I talked too. But they might have been just making me feel better :P.

Regardless this semester was pretty sweet.

besides all my body dieing situations of hate.

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