Sleep deprivation

Apr 02, 2006 04:53

So i havent been sleeping like I should so of course when I could be sleeping I am on here leaving an entry.

I think I am figuring out how to interact with people, and not be such a total freakin social burden. Yeah I know I am a nice guy, but put me in a group of people I don't know and watch me have absolutely no ability to be a rational/normal individual.

Now I think I have jumped out of that stage and at this point think I may even be growing into a likeable person. People have been going out of there way to want to hang out with me, and invite me places, and I havent had to seem like the desperate in need of friends guy that I often came off as.

Even though I have quite a few friends and all of them are pretty close and good friends I still wanted desperately to meet new people and get over my inabilty to actt like a a human being around people I didn't know. and now I feel like I have done that and am still growing in that direction.


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