Permissions for Luministi

Jun 28, 2011 13:04

Threadhopping with this character - yes/no/it depends? Yep! Go for it. Unless it seems ridiculously important/sensitive/private. Use your judgment! And feel free to poke me if in doubt.

Backtagging with this character - yes/no/it depends? Aaaalways. Backtags are glorious and lovely.

Back-dating entries with this character - yes/no/it depends? Up for whatever!

Hugging/kissing/other sort of intimate actions with this character? Natsuo is actually a very cuddly individual if he likes you. So go for it!

Punching or causing some other form of physical harm to this character? He won't feel it. Natsuo is incapable of feeling any pain at all. But, it's definitely still reason to hit back. And he will definitely hit back.

Is there anything that should not be mentioned near this character? Hmm... Nah.

Is there anything you need us to know about interacting with this character (i.e. special physical features or abilities)? Like stated above, he can feel no pain. That includes changes in temperature.

Also of note? He's a friggin' brat. If your character does not like him, then I'm doing my job then that's okay. And if you want me to back off because he's being annoying or particularly jerklike, please don't hesitate to contact me. IC =/= OOC, I promise!

Anything else that was not mentioned above? Nah. ♥

!ooc, !luministi

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