Oct 21, 2009 13:59
sometimes this feels a little guilty but then I get over it and vent.
so first on todays adgenda. I know that losing your grandfather must be a terribly traumatic ordeal but if you believe in god and heaven and all that angel harp crap he's better off and you'll be reunited with him any way so why for the sad? your sadness and anguish is the rational part of you realizing you will never ever see him again never ever in the rest of your existance. Also if alzheimers was so terrible you would have given a shit about it before your grandfather died. You only care now because your selfishly trying to hold on to his memory and you feel things like the memory walk with his name attached mean he isn't really gone not yet. Well he is get over it you'll see him again in heaven no bigs. oh wait there is no god so that means he's gone for good sorry. Gamming Addiction, why do people have to devlop relationships with other people, some people enjoy having small groups of intimates not huge groups of almost friends. This is not a Defect or an addiction to something this is one directing energies into things other then the senseless pursuit of hollow social connections.