May 30, 2007 02:58

Hey you guys, I felt it necessary to make this post.  Due to recent developments/problems around LiveJournal - there have been a couple necessary changes within this community.

If you write or post any fanfics, posts, or discussions here to this community that contains any sexual content, please make sure that you lock the post as friends only so that only community members can view the content.  It is not necessary to do that with any other kind of fanfic, etc.

Moderated Comm:
Due to various reasons, this community has now had to become moderated.  This community no longer allows non-members and anonymous people to post here, and all new members have to be approved first and all posts must now be approved before they appear on this comm (unless you already have pre-approved posting access).  Either myself or Lyssie (your co-mod) will usually be able to approve your posts quickly, as well as the membership requests.

I wanted to point out that we have had NO problems with any members of this community, it was a problem with other individuals.  Also, this community is and will remain free and tolerant for any and all posts and content related to Painkiller Jane, the franchise, the actors, characters, etc as long as they are not blatantly offensive.  And all viewpoints and opinions are welcomed and encouraged, provided no flaming and bashing of others occurs.  I still intend for this comm to be as free as possible in these regards, unlike many communities out there, I do not intend for us to have a lot of "rules" to abide by.  We don't have many, but the ones we have are important.  Our community rules/guidelines will be updated shortly reflecting these new changes and will remain on the PKJ comm profile page.

Take Care everyone,
Janine aka Magdalena_01
PKJ comm maintainer/mod

[Edited: 6/22]

guidelines, changes, mod post

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