Today sucked so horribly bad that its not even comical. Had to get up at the ungodly hour of 8 A.M to get to work on time, and had to work with the dumbest bitch EVER on this fucking planet until 4 o clock. I'm getting promoted though to team leader so go pay increase and more hours. Than Josh calls me and wants to hang out so I decided to get some sleep before doing so. I wake up to the phone ringing and its Josh so I start getting ready for the nice festive evening. Then awesome work calls and needs me to come BACK to work 9-cl because they couldn't get a hold of Dustin and needed someone to cover his shift. I hop in my awesome cool truck and start driving to the wicked cool place I enjoy being employed at and happen to fucking wreck. This DUMB PEICE OF SHIT COCKFUCK decides to STOP yes that’s a STOP a block before the red light. So I nail his fucking ass because my truck only had front brakes working no back tire was flat and it was wet. Slid a nice 10 15 feet before hitting him but oh well it’s still my fault so now I get another obstacle thrown in my way. I need a new car now and insurance AND money for college...any takers on giving me money (:. Oh well I will get though it like everything else and just yell and cuss at stupid people now on that stop in the middle of the road for no reason. way I would ever before "non vegan" would be to do that.