Jun 22, 2004 20:51
Today at Blockbuster a man came in and rented Two Weeks Notice. Nothing would appear to be too special about someone coming in and renting that movie. I asked the man if there was a reason why he was getting that movie (Sandra Bullock and Hugh Grant are in it). He was getting the video as a surprise for his wife because she had been sick the past few days and he remembered that the movie made her laugh and how he thought she could use some happiness to help her feel better. THAT is ACTUALLY how I want to be when it comes into being in a relationship. I hate sitting around and always witnessing people acting so shity to the people they "love." It happens at work all the time....at home all the time...hanging out with friends all the time. Something as small as that man though makes me feel better and realize there are people like me that really do care when they enter a relationship.