lastvoyages App

Jan 31, 2010 03:47

User Name/Nick: Chris
User LJ: kawaiispinel
AIM/IM: KawaiiSpinel42
Other Characters: NONE. I AM THE NEW FISH.

Character Name: Gabriel, aka The Trickster
Series: Supernatural
Age: ...You know how at the beginning of time, God made the heavens and the earth and all the one hundred million angels? Yeah. That's how old. (However, he appears to be in his early to mid-thirties.)
From When?: Right after 5X08: Changing Channels.

Inmate/Warden: Warden. For all that SOME PEOPLE (Winchesters) consider him a bloodthirsty monster (this is a lie), he considers himself a SMITER OF JERKS FOR GREAT JUSTICE. And makes a life out of teaching jerks, bullies, and idiots valuable lessons through tricks. Usually fatally. He can also do it in a friendly, life-affirming fashion. He promises.
Item: A copy of the Weekly World News

Abilities/Powers: Like all angels in this ‘verse, Gabriel can move and materialize at will, has super strength (as evidenced by the fact that he’s all of 5'7 and can PUT PEOPLE BIGGER THAN HIM INTO WALLS AND NOT JUST WITH HIS BRAIN), has some telekinetic ability, and some ambient psychic ability (he can “read” people- see into their souls, essentially), has an extremely high healing factor, and can pretty much not be killed by anything short of another angel (or being dunked in holy oil and set on fire, apparently). His most important ability, however, is his ability to create anything (including false realities) out of thin air and manipulate time. He can also probably heal people by laying his hands on them, like other angels, but good luck getting him to do it.
Personality: The farthest from what you would expect an angel to be, to put it simply. Gabriel is, to put it bluntly, a little bit of a jerk... But, you know, he's a well-meaning jerk who picks on other jerks, so it's totally okay in a way. He's hedonistic, fun-loving, and has a real sweet tooth... Also, if he likes you, you will probably suffer just as much as the people he doesn't like, but them's the breaks. He's not actively malicious- even if he has a sense of schadenfreude that goes far beyond the norm, he doesn't pick on people who don't deserve it. God. You'd think he was a monster or something.

....Ignore the string of corpses that leaves in his wake. Those people deserved to die. And he operates under the adage that if people have a CHANCE to change for the better after he’s done with them, then he’ll let them live.

He’s a snarky, generally obnoxious jackass and tends to avoid the whole tact thing. He will take pleasure in other people’s pain, but he’s not a bad guy- he’s just a very tactless, quasi-jerk sort of guy. The good news is that he doesn’t hate easily. If you’re not a complete dick, he will probably adore you in his own extremely special way. If he really likes you, he will never, ever leave you alone and if you’re not okay with that- TOO BAD. While not conventionally sympathetic, he’s more likely, in your moment of need, to SHOW YOU WHY YOU’RE BEING STUPID, rather than comfort you. This is his way of showing sympathy, which most people can see as being unsympathetic. He will be the first to tell you when you’re being a whiner and does not care about your problems, unless they become his problems.

While generally jovial, he can turn on people on a dime and gives almost no warning before he snaps. (If you’re not AN IDIOT, you can usually tell when he’s about to put you through the wall, though, even if it’s just subtlety). Generally, so long as you don't get in his way, don't make incorrect assumptions about him, or, uh, insult his family (he hates that), he won’t actually physically threaten you. Amuse himself by being aggravating and playing practical jokes on you, yes. Hurt you, no.

He is not intimidated by anything and will generally face any threat with a smile on his face and a clever retort. It takes A LOT to get him savagely “I BRING DOWN ARCHANGEL RAGE ON YOU” angry, and even more to get him to him to break his cool. He’s an expert at hiding his feelings and even if you catch him breaking (and the only thing that can get him close to breaking is his family), he won’t let it show for very long. He tends to avoid problems and conflict by either pretending they don’t exist (THE WINCHESTERS ARE TOTES HIS BFF’S FOREVER, MAN) or hiding from them (see running away from Heaven to avoid the conflict, rather than trying to stop it). He’s somewhere in a contradictory space between brave and cowardly, depending on the circumstance.

Gabe would approach the Barge as he approaches everything- like it’s a game. He chose to be here to avoid the whole Apocalypse thing and if he’s getting to do (sort of) what he’s accustomed to doing, then AWESOME. He is nothing if not adaptable and amenable to most circumstances. The fact that he chose to be here means he doesn’t feel trapped or cornered, which means all the more fun for him and it doesn’t make him as twitchy as it could (although the cabin fever will likely get to him). He’ll be open and friendly to pretty much anyone, albeit friendly in a snarky sort of way.

History: In the beginning there was God and with God came His angels, and among the first and most powerful of the angels was Gabriel the archangel. The younger brother of Michael and Lucifer, Gabriel was the one who tended to be the one least likely to take his duties seriously (most of the time, although there were moments) and spent a good deal of time tormenting junior angels (if certain angels have gone their entire lives believing angels are supposed to avoid showing any and all emotion, well, that's probably his doing). He was assigned to be the Messenger, the purveyor of the Word of God to Man, and it was a job he went at somewhat reluctantly, given his general apprehension towards God's newfound favorite children. Still, while he didn't have Michael's strict loyalty or Lucifer's serious doubts, he always did what he was told, so he was pretty much not really noteworthy in the eyes of Heaven. He loved his family deeply and that was pretty much all that mattered... Until Lucifer and Michael had their huge falling out and the war in Heaven began, and he chose to avoid picking a brother to support and, instead, retreated to Earth, where he possessed the body of a Trickster (specifically Loki), figuring he could successfully hide from his family and utilize the strength of an immortal being and use it to his advantage- a mortal wouldn't be able to hold an archangel for as long as he planned on hiding out. After awhile, Gabriel lost track of where his powers (what little he had while not fully connected to Heaven) began and the Trickster's abilities began and essentially became a Trickster- well, why not? He had the body and it certainly seemed a hell of a lot less stressful than being an angel.

And so Gabriel became the Trickster, the bane of the existence of assholes everywhere, and he would've continued to get away with it if it weren't for those freakin' Winchesters. While targeting a college campus (and posing as the school's janitor), the disturbing number of incidents attracted the attention of the aforementioned Hunters and despite the Trickster's attempts to turn the brothers against each other and distract them long enough for him to flee, the boys figured him out and came after him. He offered them an ultimatum- they didn't take it- and after a confrontation, he let the boys believe they'd killed him, allowing him to slink off safely.

A year later, the Trickster got his revenge... Sort of. As Sam and Dean were currently struggling with trying to save Dean from Hell, the Trickster trapped Sam in a time loop where Dean died in increasingly disturbing ways through 100 Tuesdays to show Sam that no matter what he did, his brother couldn't be saved, eventually ending in Dean dying for real (sort of). After pursuing the Trickster for months and eventually being found by him, Sam refused to accept this cold reality and the Trickster, frustrated and bored with the game, sent him back to before Dean was killed.

The Trickster went back to doing his own thing, washing his hands of the Winchesters for the time being. Unfortunately, the other thing he washed his hands of- namely Heaven- decided to spend some quality time on earth, driving him into hiding for a year to avoid being uncovered. Eventually, when the angels' plan became clear and the Winchesters became the catalysts for the apocalypse, he begrudgingly dragged himself out of hiding to bestow one more lesson on the Winchesters. By trapping them in TV Land, he urged them to play their roles so that the apocalypse could be over and thus eliminate the need for his family to continue to tear themselves apart, allowing him to go back to them without having to worry about the constant conflict. Because of his constant bullying of Castiel (something a Trickster wouldn't be able to pull on an angel), the Winchesters figured out that he couldn't be a real Trickster and trapped him in a ring of holy oil to interrogate him, forcing him to reveal his true identity as angel. Once trapped, he was forced to explain his true reason for having such an interest in them- it turns out that the Winchesters were destined to be Michael and Lucifer's vessels and there's no way to avoid it. Sam and Dean refused to believe it and after seeing Castiel freed, left the Trickster to his own devices... But not before releasing him from his holy fire prison, leaving him with the unfortunate realization that maybe this isn't about Dean and Sam playing their roles- it's more about him being too afraid to tell his family to stop being idiots. You know, it happens.

Sample Journal Entry: This is the part where someone goes, “Hey, what’s a nice pagan deity like you doing in a place like this?” Good question, hypothetical someone. Truth is, the world’s falling apart where I’m from and you’d think that would make more people act like dicks, but no. There’s this whole ‘solidarity in the face of inevitable end’ that you humans have. I can’t even go to the friggin’ race tracks and find a good mark. The race tracks were my safe place. Let’s here it for the morons who took that from me- you know who you are. Good job making the god weep into his Snickers bars, boys.

But seriously, folks. I’m here for you. Really and truly. My methods are questionable, but my track record is pristine. I have a 100% success rate when it comes to turning jackasses into saints... if they survive. It’s not my fault the fatality rate’s kinda high.

Some people just can’t take a joke.
Sample RP: Skipping out of Heaven was one thing. Skipping out of the entire universe? That’s flouncing on bratty little girl levels. Ask the Trickster if he gave a damn and he’d tell you no in a hundred different languages. If the Brothers Winchester were going to put up a fight about their destinies than screw them- he won’t watch the fireworks if he doesn’t have to. He liked his hide (his vessel’s hide, but it’s been so long, he barely made the distinction anymore- this was him, forever and always) as is and intended to keep it that way. If that meant playing nice on this barge, saving lost souls, and waiting out the Apocalypse, then fine by him.

If it kept him from having to watch the end result of the fighting, more power to this place for giving him the option. Call it cowardice, but people just don’t realize how much that shit stings.

It wasn’t like it was all that hard to adapt to the idea of being here, really. It was the exact same act with a different flavor. He could get used to it. It might actually be fun, and it’s not like keeping himself amused was going to be a problem- given what he was told, they tend to keep the party going pretty steadily around here- his kind of party, anyway. Granted, having to deal with holding back and not just snapping things into chaos for his own amusement was a pain in the ass, and in wandering around, exploring every corner of this brave new world (and by world, he meant... Metaphysical boat-type thing), the temptation to just try was there. Never let it be said that he doesn’t have some level of willpower.

Besides, he’s not gonna be the jackass who got thrown off the Barge his first week, because he couldn’t keep his mojo to himself.

Special Notes: Gabe’s an angel, but he will seriously NOT TELL ANYONE THIS. Some people will know automatically, but he fully intends to act like he’s a Trickster god and nothing more, even introducing himself as the Trickster. This will last until it just stops being a secret and becomes common knowledge. HE ALSO SOLEMNLY SWEARS NOT TO BREAK REALITY OR USE HIS PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWERS ALL... Willy-nilly.

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