Mar 22, 2006 21:48
69 odd Questions
1) Are your parents married or divorced? married
2) Vegetarian? no
3) Do you believe in Heaven? no
4) Come close to dying? no
5) What jewelry do you wear? my rinds hemp necklace and bracelets
6) Are you eating? not currently
7) Do you eat the stems of broccoli? yea
8) Makeup? makeup!!
9) Were you the dumper or the dumpee in your past relationship? dumpee:(
10) Would you ever have plastic surgery? hasn't crossed my mind
11) What do you wear to bed? shirt/undies
12) Have you ever done anything illegal? yeah but only cause I choose to
13) Can you roll your tongue?of coarse
15) What kind of watch(es)? I lost my watchES so I dont wear one cell phone gives me my time
16) Abortion? we can all think what we want. nothings going to change anything.
17) Hair color?brown/black lookin
18) Future child's name(s)? dunno
19) Do you snore? no
20) If you could go anywhere in the world on a vacation, where would you go? Europe
21) Do you sleep with stuffed animals? no
22) If you won the lottery, what would you do first? pay my mom and dad back
23) Gold or silver? silver
24) Hamburger or hot dog?hot dog.
25) If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? shrimp alfredo
27) What was the last thing you touched?keyboard duh
28) Where do you eat? anywhere..except dumpsters and alleys
29) When's the last time you cried? night b4 last
30) Have u read any blogs from the person who sent this first? no
31) Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex? yea
32) Ever been involved with the police? mhm
33) Have you ever got into a fist fight? yes
34) Current Crush? crushes suck!
35) Beach or pool? beach
36) Can you cross your eyes? yeah
37) What's your favorite song at the moment? fuck. i have no clue.Ms. New Booty?
38) Window seat or aisle? aisle
39) Ever met any famous bands/singers? ah seen from a distance Bella Morte
40) Do you feel that you've ever had a truly successful relationship? ralationships suck when the other half doesnt try
41) Do you cut up your spaghetti or twirl it? twirl
42) Ricki Lake or Oprah Winfrey? ricki
43) Basketball or Football? football
44) How long does your shower lasts? 20 min I think?
45) Do you drive a stick? ah I have b4!
46) Cake or ice cream? ice cream
47) Self-conscious? usually
48) What time do you get up? 6 something for school 10-12 weekends
49) Have you ever given money to a bum? everyday almost.
50) Are you gay? no but i think my heart would be less broken if so
51) Where do you wish you were? getting stoned with some hot skater/hippie at a concert on the beach in the sand
52) Have you ever broken someone's heart? i dunno?
53) Have you ever rode in an ambulance? it never moved it sat there..
54) Ever gone skinny dipping?fuck yes.
55) Last gift you received? roses
56) Last sport you played? ?????
57) Things you spend a lot of money on? my jeans
58) Do you know the muffin man? yes lives on Drury lane (Shrek2 baby Shrek2)
59) High School you attend(ed)/are going to attend? NCHS
60) Last wedding attended? my aunt faye's
61) Favorite fast food restaurant? Taco Bell
62) Where do you work? at my mothers store
63) Can you cook? hell yeah
64) Most hated food: mexican eggs,butter beans
65) Can you sing? no.
66) What was the last text u received? junkie stuff.
67) what was the last piece of mail you opened? ah?suppose to be getting picture from kat of me and thomas soon!
68) Where did 68 go? guess never bail on eating a girl out
69) Do you talk in your sleep? ask my room
there goes 15minutes of my life.