There is something deeply satisfying about another human being openly being attracted to you. Sure, there are some things that can actively be coifed or painted or washed in order to make such a thing more likely, but beyond that - attraction is inexplicable and can't be helped. And it makes me want to just shout for joy. I don't know why - I've always been told I'm pretty, and I've certainly had my share of relationships and admirers. Validation, I suppose. Delicious, delicious validation.
"I never thought I'd get to do this," he said. I almost squeed out loud.
Of course, it is too early to tell, but we seemed amazingly matched, at least from my perspective. He is tender and attentive, always touching, with soft, gentle kisses across all of my skin, whatever happens to be within reach of his lips. He smells amazing, all of him, and has a ferocious instinctual reaction that leads to abrupt physical control on his part, sometimes with hilarious results (he bit my face, I squawked, "you bit my face!"). I know how to provoke it but not how to bring it about naturally - something to learn, along with everything else.
He is much bigger than I am, taller and larger. He can rest his chin on the top of my head, and pick me up, and he shifted me multiple times to the point where I felt almost manhandled (though in a fantastic way). We kissed and cuddled and laced fingers and stroked each other's hair and face and body for hours, and writhing, grinding bodies exploded in lust on both our parts. He was surprising, and it all lined up better than I could have ever orchestrated it. Every once in awhile he'd say something that would remind me he's a Republican, and I'd think to myself, "That's right, he actually thinks that, for real, no kidding." I suppose it is a sign of maturity to be able to truly befriend someone with viewpoints that are repugnant to oneself (and, as far as I am concerned, the world - in this case anyway), and to genuinely like them besides. He is also a privacy nut on my level, which bodes well for discretion.
He appears to be deathly afraid of commitment, which means we can cuddle sweetly without me worrying that such behavior will lead to either of us falling in love and wanting a relationship. Not that I would implement some sort of Pretty Woman standards, but he is affectionate on a level I am used to within relationships, not outside of them. And I enjoy it and am confident in my ability to continue to enjoy it while still distinguishing. So perfect, as I've sworn off relationships, at least in my head, until I'm actually divorced.
Parking is going to be a problem, though.
For now, I have several marks on my neck and chest, and my skin smells like him. I especially love that. I hope he is even half as pleased by all of this.