I made a pretty big post earlier over on my
MySpace blog and I'm not going to x-post for once, and you guys are probably going to get the shortened version.
Yesterday was a really fun day for me; it was really nice out so I walked to CVS and MoJo's Coffee and the library. On my way back from the library, I called Jake because I was going to be walking right past his place anyway and I wanted to see if he wanted to hang out. I hung out with him for a while then we were picked up by his friend Jay and we went to their friend's house. They got stoned, I didn't, and we all played hacky sack. Oh and there was this guy Scotty there with this chick who's name I suddenly can't remember, and I was chatting with her for a bit, since we were the only girls there. Turns out she's Jake's ex-fiance, the one who he was with for four years and they just broke up like a few months ago. So now I can't like her on principle.
I crashed at Jake's last night because fuck if I was walking home slightly tipsy at 2am. Screw that. And, no, even though we slept in the same bed, I did not have sex with him. Ha. We did kiss, though, and that led to making out for about an hour and a half. It was so weird because you know how in fics and stuff there's always that kiss that both people pull away from and just stare at each other all wide-eyed and go "holy shit" because there were sparks and stuff? Yeah. It's been a long time since I've had a kiss like that.
I love Panic at the Disco SO HARD. Pretty. Odd. is so awesome. It makes me happy in a way that can't be explained. I can't stop listening to it. I can't even pick a single favorite song, I like all of them. I'm in total love with Ryan singing, oh my god. I'm not going to do a track-by-track write up or anything, but seriously. Behind the Sea, "legs of wood waves, waves of wooden legs". I think I made a champion WTF face upon hearing that. Then I lol'd. The songs I really really like are.. um, I started to list them, but then I realized I was actually just writing the track list for the whole album, so I backspaced.