
Jun 02, 2009 21:23

Listen up kiddies.

I'll be teaching Medical once classes are resumed, and no you don't learn chip removal on from the start. We'll start with the basics and work your way through. Who knows, you might actually be useful and bandage a cut or two. I will be pounding as much knowledge into those heads of yours ( Read more... )

fin's cookies, vampires, school, washu is at it again, hospital

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clock_chime June 3 2009, 03:09:50 UTC
I...I'd like to take the classes! I was learning nursing from Hawkeye, but...now he's gone.

Um...I'm Miranda Lotto.


paincuresall June 3 2009, 03:13:11 UTC
That's right, the idiot left. Thanks a lot scientists.

Call me Doctorine. I'll add you to the list. I'll teach you where he left off. What has he taught you thus far?

[strike not there]


clock_chime June 3 2009, 03:21:41 UTC
Nice to meet you, Doctorine!

Well...pretty much just the basics. Um...mostly first aid, and some anatomy...

[[ooc: ffff we so hadn't decided where Miranda got up to in terms of training.]]


paincuresall June 3 2009, 03:33:07 UTC
Alright, once class is in session we'll start by refreshing your memory and then leading to the next subject.

[[ooc: pfff its alright. Just hope she's ready for it :3]]


clock_chime June 3 2009, 03:39:35 UTC
Th...thank you.

[[ooc: Probably not. XD]]


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