I've been talking to my husband via AIM as he's working in NYC today. Seems less dysfunctional to use AIM when one's loved ones are hundreds of miles away as opposed to sitting across the room. Anyway, he showed me this:
Click to view
Cute. The Beastie Boys soundtrack is just an added bonus. ;)
In other news, since school (aka work, for me)let out I've gotten back into online text-based RP. The dying game I was in did not die after all but instead has gained a few players. It's an original sci-fi space epic kinda thing, which is significant because although the setting is 'real world' as opposed to supernatural, it takes place far into the future.
So yesterday I started playing around, reworking a character from another game to fit into the futuristic space setting. This character was an Episcopal priest--a bitter, cynical guy with serious doubts about the Christian faith. I dunno if that counts as a symptom of the dreaded self-insert that I made a character that shares my religious beliefs or not. Well, some of my religious beliefs. I may have some issues, but they're nothing like the issues this character had. I also made him slightly more liberal than I am, liturgically speaking.
Whatever. Yesterday I took 'Bob' (yeah, character has the same name as my husband, long story*) and revamped him. 'Bob 2.0' is one of Bob's descendants, an ultra-liberal, long-haired, pot-smoking vegan in space. This was the fun part--coming up with a speculative future theology for the Episcopal Church. I decided that the Church would continue to champion social causes... Nothing too shocking there. Then I decided that after a while (we're talking centuries) the Church would begin to phase out some of Jesus's less 'inclusive' teachings. That whole 'I am the way, the truth and the light, no one can come to the Father but through me' thang would get tossed right out. But never fear, what the New Church lacks in Christian doctrine, it more than makes up for, having adopted beliefs and practices from various Buddhist, Native American, and Pagan traditions.
Seriously, if I think too hard about that, my head wants to explode.
Oh, and I also took the liberty of canonizing a whole new crop of saints... His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama being my personal favorite. Also Dorothy Sanger, Dr. Emanuel Bronner, and Thomas Yellowtail. Later I thought, gee, I ought to add John Muir and Jerry Garcia to that list! Er, and a few more people from different parts of the globe so it's more multicultural. Hey, I can canonize anyone I want! There are only two criteria: either I think the person is/was cool in some way, or I think their name would be funny to add to the list.
*Oh, that's right, I was going to explain why the character's name is Bob. This other game had a rule that no two characters could share the same name--either first or last name. And this was a big game with lots of characters! They had a list of all the names that were already in use. I wanted a basic, no-frills, traditional masculine name. How about Dave? Nope, already on the list. John? Jim? Steve? All on the list. I must have run through twenty names before finally admitting defeat; the only 'normal' guy's name left was Bob.
Fortunately my real-life Bob was unfazed by the prospect of sharing his name with a fictional character.