Jul 20, 2004 10:16
yeah that has nothing to do with anything. i just wanted a subject line. very un-eventful day yesterday. work is very frustrating. i think i really need some time ioff. i mean more than the weekend i get off in september. yesterday i was so upset with idiotic clients i wanted to put my fist through something. i haven't been that aggrivated in a long time. clients kept asking me to change stuff, and then change it back, and then back again. so on and so fourth all day. it sucked.
i got home and helped sara with her affidavits until mark showed up. then mark and i played basketball. i got beat. 11-6. but i won at horse....
i made raviolli and steamed zucini for dinner last night. i wouldn't call it a dinner considering there was no meat, but i digress.
for some reason i can't stay awake in the morning anymore. i don't know if i am stressed, depressed, or just tired. but once sara goes to work i pass the fuck out. today people kept calling me. all wrong numbers. except one lady that asked for sara in spanish. some hotel in Florida. so i get all freaked out and call sara saying we need to get a credit report. cuz they asked for her by her maiden name. i just thought it was sketchy. but apparently sara thought i was worried for nothing and we got in an argument over nothing. that leads me to where i am now.