gotta love fate!

Jun 02, 2004 06:43

yesterday i made a private post about my money issues. nothing i felt i needed to share, but something i really needed to get out. well, when i got home i was greeted by a rent increase notice. super. not really the news i needed for the day. and this morning i looked at the calender to find my little brother's b-day is this friday. so now i have to shop for him, and worry about cash. this sucks. last night i looked at job openings for people who have no experience at anything and found 2. 1 for a warehouseman, and one for security. both are at Winco. winco is a disgusting supermarket where the bottom of the barrel shop on a regular basis. well the bottom of the barrel and most of our friends. it's hella cheap, and they sell mostly off-brand stuff. i know why our buddies go there- because it's easy on the wallet. but i just can't stand the element. the people stink, don't speak english, let their kids run around un supervised, the produce is infested, and i am sure a lot of the stuff on the shelf is past its "sell by date". if you have a winco where you are at, maybe it's not as bad. but in tell you ours is horrible. so i can't wait to go apply for a job there. .

anyway this morning i have a meeting with my boss and the head of promotions. i am supposed to set up a team for the relay for life, and i have been all excited about it. until i got the packet anyway. i should have been doing this since january, and now i am supposed to do it in a few weeks? fuck that. how can i get a team together, and raise some serious cash. sure i have the power of radio, but my listeners are freakin lazy. so i guess i will have to see what comes out of the meeting.

after that i was set to interview Justin Hawkins from The Darkness on the phone. i should have known that arrogant prick would cancel and have the drummer, Ed, call instead. they always have the damn drummer call. i don't mind interviewing Ed, but i was prepared for Justin and i am too lazy to do more research. fuck it, i will just keep it short. if you want i can post the interview later, just comment for it. i was thinking if i interviewed Justin i was going to make a fake one where i took his responses and later added in fucked up questions like "so i hear you made a sex tape with madonna?" where his response would have been "yeah". it would have been neat. maybe i will still do that.

*****************Picture Time*****************************

the pipe dream that is the Corvette 2002 jet black Z06 *drool*

Me getting back from "test driving" that pipe dream. it made my "special area" tingle.

and now for something really random.......

my wife's GIANT cat. her name is Aspen - eater of worlds. and yes that is a pretty regular size picnic basket!

another angle

i have awoken the god of EATING!

and, of course, the other cat gets jelous.....

hope you enjoyed. peace for now! i need to prepare.
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