May 20, 2004 08:52
the last 24 hours have been pretty boring. the most exciting thing has been my ex constantly emailing me. and she is on contact with some of my friends. my wife thinks that my ex is trying to worm her way into our circle of friends. i guess that is possible. a while back she wanted to get an apartment in our complex. ohh well. i guess i am just not as threatened by the situation as my wife is but that makes sense. besides, my ex won't be welcome over here, AND she lives in sacramento (over an hour away) so i just don't see the need to worry. the logical thing to do is tell her to stop emailing me, but i am such a nice guy i don't like to make waves. but if it starts problems i guess i will have to.
anyway enough drama. lol.
i am looking forward to this weekend, we are going to have a blast in monterey. i haven't been to that aquarium in years. i remember it is freaking huge though.
my buddy Eric got me super interested in this game called Heroclix. it is like a strategy battle game but the pieces are comic figures. i was interested with just marvel and dc but then i saw that indy figures are available too! i am hooked. but i am still trying to talk my wife into letting me buy pieces. she says i need to rid myself of the shit in my collection of toys that are boxed up first. it's not that she is demanding it, but i have mentioned it before so she has a point. why start collecting something else before i get rid of the cluster that is my closet. i have 2 boxes of toys i am more than willing to get rid of, but it is hard to find the market in modesto. E-bay is so cluttered it hardly works for obscure toys. plus it costs money and if no one bids, i am out. maybe i will try it this summer. if you know anyone who collects toys send them my way. i have everything from Mcfarlane to marvel. plus some old baseball cards.
my radio station is doing this "school of rock" thing for memorial weekend. last time we did it i had a blast. i like it because i know A LOT of music trivia. so it comes in handy. my boss emailed me asking if we missed any artists last time. i know we missed DOPE and DRAIN sth, but i can't think of any other one hit wonders of the rock genre- if you can think of any pass them my way.
anyway- hope all is well with you. peace love and prospher...or whatever.......