Jun 22, 2004 10:42
yesterday was a pretty good day, first let me say schools out o yeah, it sounds so good ill say it again school is fuckin out o yeah, well anyways i got home around 11 and my mom made me lunch and i had to dust my room and vacuum, i vaccumed while on the phone with nancy, then i had to go work, kinda slow at work which was good, found out that everyone was coming to my house and hanging out an dgoin in the pool.
Caitlin,Kyle,Brit,Nancy,Heather, and Lizz came. everyone went in the pool besides kyle cuz hes gay lol jk, i dunked all the gurls its liek somethin i do when peeps come in my pool everyone needs to get dunked at least once, had fun in the pool it was kinda cold after a while so peeps were gettin body heat off of me
ryan came by said hi all threw him int he pool wit all his clothes on lol but i was kinda sorry cuz i didnt want him to get int rouble his parents are mad stricted, i jumped out and gave him a boig water hug lol tacklin him on the ground o yeah, i need new shorts mine kept fallin atid bit hopefull no one saw anything
then eevryone ate, me, caitlin, nancy adn heather sat on the swing while i ate gurls were cold so i got them hoddys and shirts. i only go tthe one that heather borrowed back but thats okay, gurls wit hoody said they would give it back but caitlin never said anything but thats okay lol
when we sat on the swing brit sprawled across us and caitlin grabbed my hand i was liek shocked abit<3 but its okay, then lizz was ina bad mood the entire nite oh well she needs to learn that the world dont reveolve around her, so then caitlin had to tlak to me and it was good whut she said
im so fuckin happy, i have to work tonight, cuz i took wednesday off so i can sneak into that party to see caitlin, and the plan for tonight is to go to the movies? id otn kno ill get money some how itll be fun
well yeha im wicked happy and everythings goint o work out for the best there are no doubts anymore cuz everyone knows whuts goin on yay!!!!!!
alright leave um
<3 you're what makes new england so great