Talk to me goose!!!

Jun 30, 2005 07:06

Okay so I don't remember what I updated for last, so whatever.
Summer school has been cool.
Seeing friends hanging out everyday!!
3 ciggarette breaks a day!
I'm more than likely taking 2nd session too.
Kinda sucks but at the same time is kinda cool.
Cause that will totally rock my socks seeing my lover's everyday!
So tomorrow we are all in the party van woot!

Today very interesting at school, Chris is pretty awesome.
Yesterday I didn't have to walk to my seat or anything since Zack is the total fuckhead he is he carried me from the computer lab to my class over his shoulder then to the class.
As I hit him and pinched him, he still did not let me go.
I got mad!!

Today I went to this thing called Jazzercise..
Anyone ever hear of it??
Well, I went with my Aunt Kate and her friend.
Sooooo fucking awesome.
You feeling everything when you do it.
So I feel good right now, as though I could run around through my backyard but I won't.
I'm just that lazy.

Burger King for dinner.
I'm such a freak I work out then junk food for dinner.
Who's dumb???

Later Gater...
Fucking Gay
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