This writers' strike needs to stop. It's affecting the news and how they're covering the election. You morons need your shows back. Then maybe we can get to hear what some of the candidates that aren't rock stars are saying. I think Ron Paul is a bit too far to one side of bat shit crazy for me, but he needs to be around to raise the points that he does. That's the saddest part of the story is that I voted for that fucker on Super Tuesday because for one, the polling station wouldn't allow me to vote ANY candidate, presidential or congressional, if I checked Non-Partisan. I checked the box at first (so much for a secret ballot) and they were all, "Oh, you can only vote for local referendums." Pretty sweet, eh? My response, "Really? In the United States of America, as a born citizen, I can't vote for a presidential candidate? How terribly comforting to know." So I checked Republican and gave Paul a shot in the arm. Won't do him any good. Nobody wants to answer the question of if what we're really trying to do as a nation is build a white, Christian empire on the blood of ignorant patriots too young to understand that they're patsies for men in suits that've never had a desperate moment in their fucking lives. At this point I can hope that McCain will cause our two party system to shatter and finally offer more options than "Home" and "Away" on the ballot. How immature are we politically? This is much more important than a fucking baseball game. But unless you have the money to throw away, you will never be heard. Compared to politics, economics is far from a dismal science.
An open suggestion to game developers:
Oi! Cunts!
For the love of the Almighty Flying Spaghetti Monster, make some fucking games that aren't 1.) shooters, 2.) racing games, 3.) sports games. This shit is fucking boring. And you bastards that made Shadowrun into a half-assed shooter should look to history, see that it was an award winning RPG TWICE and then go out to the woodshed and saw off your testicles. And when I ask for more RPGs, don't bother with any of that terrible Jap shit that's all fucking numbers and movie scenes. Play Fallout and play Arcanum and you'll get an idea of what an RPG should be. Living story changed by the choices you make. Even if you absolutely have to make more shooters, at least give them a goddamn purpose in the world! A little bit of story goes a long way. Christ, take a fucking chance at least once. My hat's off to you guys that fought like starving bears to get some piece of shit suit to give Deadspace the green light. Same to you Borderlands guys. And Bethesda, so help me if you some how manage to fuck up Fallout 3. You'd have to make mistakes on the scale of Master of Orion 3 to ruin that trilogy.
I've got too much free time on my hands now. This security shit is easy. People just go and rob the banks that don't have anybody with guns in them. Gives me time to read and then sit and home and play too many video games and read more. But, as with most situations, I find that I need more money. More stuff. That consumer spirit that makes you want to fill that empty hole you think you have. So, if you need a guy to stand around your house with a gun and you want to pay me money and stuff, I'm available Thursdays and Fridays. I won't shoot anything and I'll probably run away if the going gets tough, but just think about it. I'll put on a funny suit and be like a Bond villain henchman for you.
Shit that amazes me:
Click to view
Take a few minutes out of your busy day to look at this. Now, back in my day, we had a Commodore 64. You either had a color screen or some bullshit green-scale thing. The programs ran off these big ugly floppy disks and it took about a good 30 minutes to get a good RPG like Wasteland booted up. Are you following me? Computers are at the point where they've become the universal tool which will allow certain arts and trades to transcend boundaries that previously held them back. This might be old news to you hipsters, but that's what always goes through my head when I see an artist work their magic like this.