please inform yourself when you go off on a rant assuming that the other side is just doing it for religious reasons: I'm saying this as a guy that's pro-civil union, so I'm not trying to shoot anyone down. I'm just trying to make ourselves look less silly and more presentable. Yes, I know that a lot of people cite religious reasons for being anti-GM, but we shouldn't be concerning ourselves with that because the people that openly say that aren't the people that we need to worry about. No lawmaker or Court Justice will cite the Bible in their anti-marriage decision. Until we can refute every single one of the above points (which unfortunately we cannot, yet), it's going to be a tough if not unwinnable battle, so please, educate yourselves, guys. You look silly talking about holding 'family values' dear as a reason for pro-GM when that's the same type of reasoning that the others are using.
Come on. Don't stop thinking just because you think you're right. We need to continue to be smarter.
In other news, yes, I'm very, very sorry that Kerry lost. Yes, I agree that the Electoral College system is inherently flawed. Sometimes the wrong people win in this type of system, but sometimes that happens. Move on. Get over it. We'll get our chance to regain power before they know it.
Any questions?